Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Bye bye 2016 ??? Welcome 2017

Ah, the New Year 2017 is already here. Jung Dong Ha had such a wonderful  and such a busy year, that I wasn't even able to keep up with him on this blog properly. There were so many memorable performances by him - live concerts, TV appearances, interviews, musical roles, awards, recordings, events, meetings with fans (and I was one of the fans he met but he doesn't know it, haha).
As always, everything was meticulously preserved, and immortalized by faithful loving fans, in countless videos, audios, and more than countless pictures. Every step, every new haircut, every outfit was analyzed and commented on. Everything was distributed, and shared on the web, so that those who couldn't be at those events, could enjoy it too, and possibly some new hearts could be conquered by this wonderful singer.
Jung Dong Ha himself, appeared to be happy, and cheerful the entire year. He continues to look very youthful, despite being considered a "veteran".
This is how Dong Ha looked the last day of 2016 - on TV program "Immortal Song 2", on December 31, 2016. He is just too adorable.

 Actually, the music program was recorded about a week before Christmas, and then was broadcast in two parts, on Christmas Eve, and on New Years Eve. But this is how he was seen by TV audiences December 31st.
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Something to look forward to, in February now!!!! It's announced that Jung Dong Ha will be performing in the USA, in Rancho Mirage Agua Caliente Resort, near Los Angeles.