Thursday, February 22, 2018

TBT #23 Because I Love You - September 2017

I can still do some throwback Thursday, I suppose. This was a TV appearance, and one of many cover songs Dongha has been doing for theses programs, called Concert 7080 (songs from 70-ties and 80-ties).

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Re-opening for important news

The news is quite important, so it deserves recording.
It's not very fresh news, but I better record it, before it becomes "old, stale news".
 1. BABY  BOY!  👶                                            
Dongha became a father. He posted about it on his online fan cafe (which I am not a member of - it appears that only Korean fans can belong - or something like that). Anyway, the information was posted Thursday February 8th, without giving the exact date of birth.  But the wonderful event took place between Feb. 4th - (the last day of  musical Poe), and Feb.8th, 2018. There was never an official announcement, like with other celebrities, but maybe Dongha wanted it this way. He just let his fans know back in November 2017, and again now, when the baby is born. However, pretty soon a new episode of  Immortal Song2  will be broadcast on KBS. Dongha will be in it, so possibly then the hosts will ask him.
Me, I'm very curious about the name of the little boy, for some reason...

 While the baby news was expected for quite a while, I was taken by surprise that Dongha will not continue to work with the agency EVERMORE MUSIC. This was announced almost at the same time  as the birth of the baby. It was posted on their Facebook on February 7th.
Apparently, Dongha told fans that he will be working without  an agency for a while.
Why did this happen? I was a bit sad when I first found out about it. In my mind the agency did  good things for him.  However, I heard that some Korean fans were not happy with the agency, and the way  Dongha's career was managed. My guess is, that the separation happened as mutual agreement.
I think Dongha  outgrew  the agency, he was too much for them to handle, in the sense that they weren't able to do much more for him. Even though he is not a major celebrity in Korea, but he is pretty well known, due to his presence in various TV programs. They seem to be focused on advancing careers of lesser known artists. I noticed that since Jung Dongha left them, they started promoting a couple of their artists, like singer Aivan, and boy band Voisper, with more intensity.
So, as of now, Dongha is a free bird.

New chapter in his professional, and personal life has just started. Will things change a little, or a lot? Will he continue to grow, and challenge himself, and his fans with new endeavors? I expect so.
But everyone understands, things will be going slow for a while. He needs to spend more time with his family. He also needs to get some rest after the crazy busy time at the end of 2017, and January 2018.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

"Edgar Allan Poe" is ending

The last show will be Sunday February 4. Dong Ha was at so many shows since Nov.17 2017 - I think,  of all 4 musical actors playing Poe, he had the most shows scheduled, and he did not miss a single one. Here are a few pictures, captured by fans, of Dong Ha doing his run onto stage to bow at curtain call.


I will miss the almost daily excitement of waiting for another video from curtain call, and reading all the comments. I will even miss the curtain call antics between Griswald and Poe. These silly antic annoyed me in the beginning, but then I lightened up about them. After all, this was what the actors could do for the audience, to release the tension from the tragic, and dark show about the unhappy life of Poe, and his mortal enemy - Griswald. Or, as someone said, the curtain call antics were to entertain the audience after a boring and too long musical.

And here is Dongha, giving a bow at the end of the show: