Thursday, April 16, 2015

Memories of my Jung Dong Ha Concert-2014

The concert I went to was in Alexandria, VA, on August 17, 2014. So it's been almost 7 months ago!
I feel a strong, visceral pressure, to get the memory of the concert out of my system. I feel that if I do that, then I can move on into being a more current (up to date) fan, instead of being stuck in the past. I will be able to follow his current endeavors in 2015 without anything pulling me back.

Previously, in one of my blog posts, I mentioned that Dong Ha's trip to USA was ill-fated.
I don't mean it was unlucky for me. For me, it was great, wonderful, and successful in every way. But indeed, it seemed to be very unfortunate from the very start, for Dong Ha himself, some people around him, and a number of fans.                                                                     
Sometime between second half of January and end of March 2014  I absorbed countless videos of Dong Ha on You Tube. So, within 2 months, I got myself familiarized with 9 years of his career, from his early concerts with Boohwal, his attempts on stage in Musicals, through the Immortal Song-2  performances. I was more and more enamored with this singer, his unique voice, his calm mellow demeanor, his various sides on stage - from very dramatic and moving, to crazy, humorous, and rocking. I watched how he interacted with the audience, how he had a very good rapport and control.
Watching these videos of him, I found myself wishing, LIKE NEVER BEFORE, to be there in the concert hall, among the audience, and experience all that joy and excitement. But how? How would that be possible? Even though my son Miki had spent 2 years in Korea in 2012-2014, but he had just returned in mid-February. So, I couldn't imagine to travel there just for Jung Dong Ha concert.
Darn it, why do I have to be a fan of an artist from far-away country??? Oh, well I will just have to remain satisfied with encountering my favorite singer on the Internet only.
However, I discovered that Dong Ha had actually come to the USA  before in 2013, with Boohwal. Moreover, I discovered, that just a few months earlier, he came to the USA in January, March and then May 2014 - there were You Tube videos from Chicago, Atlanta, New Jersey (thank you Haley!).
Once I found out about that, my desire to see him in live concert intensified, and also started to look LESS UNREALISTIC. I asked myself:  CAN MY DREAM COME TRUE? It wasn't really a dream, it was more like a secret wish, but still not really a serious one. Well, if he would come to Atlanta, or Washington, I could travel there, right? Didn't I travel out of state for another singer's performances, as recently as 2008? I did. My family was a little puzzled, but everything went OK.
The two potential locations for  US concerts were likely the closest on East Coast where he could come, because of large Korean populations there. I could go, right, theoretically? I wouldn't care if I were to be the only non-Korean in the audience.
And suddenly, boom!!! It happened. I honestly didn't expect it would happen so soon! It was June;  and through Facebook, they announced Jung Dong Ha will give concerts in August!!! I'm a cowardly person, so my first reaction to the news was fear. OMG, so my feeble fantasy must become reality now?! I better not chicken out now. I better work my plan, all the way. No back-pedalling, OK?
In the beginning, 3 concert dates were announced; one in California, one in Atlanta, GA (which was later switched to Alexandria, VA), and another one back in California. I was wondering already, why this was such a small mini-tour? Was it worth for Dong Ha to come to the US for just 3 concerts? Was he really going to earn some money from this (yes, I was wishing for him to get decent pay)? Only 3 concerts, while the tour was announced with a great bang on the internet, using video promotion, new posters and photos, special logo for the "tour", and even Dong Ha's personal video-message to the fans? OK then. I didn't have time to analyze these things - I had to get organized.
First I had to decide how good seats did I want to buy. I decided I wanted pretty good seats, not far away from the stage. After all, this could be my one and only opportunity in my life time to attend Jung Dong Ha concert. Who knows if, and when, he will return to USA. Luckily, the concert in the outskirts of Washington DC (Alexandria, VA), was on a Sunday evening. It's a 5 hours drive, so I could leave home on the morning of the concert, and then I would only have to take Monday off  at work.
I had to make hotel reservation, and I aimed to find a hotel within a walking distance from the venue, so that I wouldn't have to drive around in an unfamiliar town. Again, luckily, I found an inexpensive room in a Hilton within a walking distance. All other hotels rates, strangely, were much more expensive.
Another thing to accomplish, was to get my husband's approval for the trip, heh! Luckily, he wasn't too opposed; he is an understanding guy, and is tolerant of my somewhat crazy ideas. Much later, after the concert was done, and I returned, he told me he wouldn't have agreed, had he known the concert was in Washington DC. He had assumed, since I was talking about "Virginia concert",  that it would be in Richmond, about 2 hrs drive from home. When he found out we drove 5 hrs one way, he was shocked!
Then I had to find a concert buddy, because I didn't want to go alone this time. Husband said, no. He is not into any live performances. Since I didn't know any Koreans, young or old, I decided that one of my offspring must go with me. Either my daughter, or my son will have their arms twisted, until they agree to do something for mommy. Luckily, my son Miki agreed to go on this adventure with me. I didn't have to nag. I was glad, because he was already familiar with Jung Dong Ha through me.


Our tickets looked like this. Cute!
Everything was falling smoothly into place! As a bonus, I was going to meet Haley from California, a YouTube video poster, and a FB friend, who had been very nice to me. I think I will skip the story how I purchased  tickets through an unknown Korean agency in LA, and haven't received any confirmation, despite that they charged  $300 from my card, and how I called them multiple times for two weeks, and was very worried, because the tickets were not coming. But at some point, poof!!! my tickets popped up in the e-mail, and everything was fine.

But then, the ill fate began. The tour was supposed to be:  San Jose →Alexandria→Los Angeles.
One day before the San Jose concert (Haley's home town), a cancellation was announced. It turned out that the organizing agency, failed to arrange a US performing visa for Dong Ha, and it was discovered the last minute. The US Embassy in Soul took some time to issue the visa, and even though he took the last minute flight before the concert, the flight was actually delayed, so basically he couldn't make it to the San Jose on time. So that concert was canceled, one day before it happened. I think, it was a bad omen for later events. Dong Ha's music agency, Evermore, posted a long apology to the fans, which kind of looked funny, if you read the Google translation:

US Tour official logo
"Hello. The Evermore music singer jeongdongha agency.
We sincerely apologize for being a fan you'll cancel the first show in San Jose that was unintentionally scheduled for today.
However, the delay was more than a few days in Korea will be performing this time visa and arrived about a day later than the original estimated arrival time is about to ride an airplane which was a little later than planned due to the plane thereof.
Please note, thank you to the many generous fans.

 Once again a word of apology for the cancellation San Jose show deep.
Evermore Music"

But I was the lucky one, since the Virginia concert was going to proceed according to schedule.
So, there we were, Miki and I, after driving for 5-6 hrs, while listening to k-pop songs CDs, made by Miki, which included, at my request, Dong Ha's Param Param Param from IS2, Whale Hunt, Companion, and  a few others, as well as some Miki's favorite girl bands. We were in our Hilton room, a couple or more hours before the start of the concert, so we had the luxury to get some rest, and freshen up.

We strolled in leisure pace towards the concert hall. I felt happy to be there, and to have the company of my son, who is an easy going and funny guy. But I was also feeling nervous, and a little embarrassed to be doing this crazy thing, and even choked up at the thought that I was going to see the real Jung Dong Ha. I had spent so much time  listening to him and looking at his stage performances on my computer screen, that he became just an image with lovely sound coming out - did not feel real. I think I experienced some sort of anxiety, and I probably would have not gone to the theater the last minute, if Miki wasn't with me.


Outside the theater people were gathering, waiting for the door to open. The weather was warm and really nice. The waiting people were mostly Asians, presumably Koreans. Mostly young, either couples, or small
Me, outside the venue. Trying to be brave.
groups. I was relieved that there were a few "oldish" people, or even elderly ones. There were a few white people and maybe just one black couple. I concentrated on overcoming my anxiety, and looked around to find Haley. She wasn't there. The glass door of the theater were decorated with original posters of the tour, the ones I was so familiar with. I asked Miki to take one pic of me in front of it.I masked my embarrassment by posing with the "V" on purpose, because that's the silly thing all Koreans do for pictures. So silly.

They opened the door and let us in the lobby, to check our tickets. They were still not letting us inside the theater. The lobby became crowded, as more people arrived. At some point I saw Haley - I immediately knew it was her, from her FB picture. She was petite and slim, wearing a stylish purple long dress, and a cute small (golden) backpack. Her face however looked unhappy or concerned. I could tell something was going on. Perhaps she was looking for someone, or was checking out something right by the theater door. She did not notice me, and I decided not to call to her. I thought I would let her clear the "problem" she was having. She turned around and left the lobby.
Happy sneakers. Every time I put them on,
I smile. I was wearing them at the concert. Now I wear
them to work every day.
There was confusion developing inside the concert auditorium, right after  they let everyone in. The seating  chart on the online ticking page  had showed 3 first rows as VIP seats, labeled AA, BB, CC. Then there was supposed to be a gap between rows, and  seats  A---Z were to follow. In reality, all the rows were in one group, starting from row A. Miki and I, had row A seats, which according to the web site, were 4th row. But now everything was mixed up. A few people who had VIP tickets located themselves in the very 1st row, which BTW was so close to the stage, that you would be easily able to grab the shoe of the standing performer.  Not knowing where to sit, people took places according to their tickets.  Miki and I tentatively sat in the A row. That didn't make me happy, because it was so damn close to
the stage, but so low, that we would either have to look at Dong Ha's feet all the time, or raise our heads, and look up his nose. What nonsense!!! People who came a little later, and took further rows, were not aware what was going on. Almost all audience was already settled  in ( it took about 15 minutes), when suddenly ushers realized about the mix up, and directed everyone to move 3 rows back! Funny stuff. Anyway, Miki and I ended in 4th row, with my seat right on the isle, just like I had expected (and wanted). Whew!!!
In the VIP very first row there was a small group of young women discussing something intensely.  I suddenly saw Haley joined them, so I decided to go greet her right then. I called her, ran to her, and immediately gave her a big hug. Almost at the same time I realized she might be put off by such familiarity, because Koreans are not Americans. But, too bad, it had already happened. Haley however was fine with that, it seemed. She spoke nicely with me, and even with Miki. Somehow I could sense though, she was either distracted with something or someone. I asked her if she liked her VIP row, but she said, no, it was too close, and she would go to the back. She didn't want to be so close to Dongha. I asked if she was going to record a video, and she said, no, there are other friends who want to do it. That sounded strange to me, knowing of all Haley recordings of Dongha appearances on you tube. Haley went to the back, we sat down in our 4th row, and one of the ushers came with a box of glow sticks, and was giving them to everyone. The glow sticks had "the beautiful dreamer" printed on them, and that was the name of the Face Book page that Haley had opened, and I had been a member  of.
The beginning of the concert is very memorable to me. This is because it went completely differently than I had imagined, and anticipated. In most concert videos, Dongha starts by bursting into stage, quickly running in, and joyfully shouting his "annyong haseyo!"- hello! That's what I expected would happen any second, and my excitement grew.

But the lights went down, the stage was dark and nothing was happening.
Was there some movement, as if someone was entering the stage in the dark? A few girls screamed.
Then a calm voice sounded, saying very slowly, as if asking, "Annyong haseyo?". The light beam went on, and there he was!!!!already by the microphone stand. The screams of course intensified, and I think I remember correctly, Dongha did not say anything more, he was just standing there, smiling vaguely. Then, still with serious face, he took a breath, and started singing! I instinctively stood up, because I immediately recognized the Korean National Anthem!  It had not been in vain that I had watched so many You Tube videos, and quite a few showed Dongha singing the Anthem at various events.  So I was on my feet, and Miki followed, but he looked at me with confused face. I quickly looked to the sides, and around. Strangely, the two of us were the only people standing! How weird! These are Koreans, right? Don't they recognize their own Anthem? I sat down in a hurry, Miki followed, because no-one else was standing. The audience was sitting!  Jung Dongha kept singing, unfazed. Miki asked to my ear:"why? why?" I answered to him "hymn!hymn!",  which caused him to be even more surprised. His confusion was caused by the fact that I used the Polish word "hymn" which means "anthem", but in English the work means a religious song, praising God. (after the concert, Miki admitted that he had not known  Korean National Anthem, despite just having spent 2 years in that country). Luckily, that whole memorable beginning was recorded by dedicated fans, and I can always come back here to reminisce.

Dongha kept singing, and people kept sitting. I thought; "Won't he get annoyed, or even angry, with this clueless audience?" There was an intervention, because at some point the usher came trotting along the rows, and started waving at people to "up,up". He even whispered to my ear "it's the Korean anthem", as if I didn't know. So I stood up again, and Miki stood up, and some more people stood up, but some people remained seated . It was a mess!!! The usher's intervention was a little late, because Dongha was just finishing, so we all sat down, whoever was standing. I looked at Dongha's face - I didn't see any sign of him being annoyed, or irritated, or displeased. He made no comments, and proceeded to his regular program of singing, and then chatting with the audience.

One surprise for me was, how much Dongha was talking to the audience. I kind of expected him to just sing, and maybe announce the titles of songs. But he was chatting a lot, performing a role of his own MC (master of ceremony). He joked a lot, judging from laughter in the audience.

Apparently, one of the first things Dongha said when he started his chat (according to Miki who was translating as much as he was able into my ear), was "Do you like my new outfit?"  ☺The audience yelled obediently "Yeah!". But I wanted to scream loudly: "Noooo, it's hideous!" But of course I wouldn't dare to do such thing. Why would I want to attract attention to myself that way? I was still feeling like I didn't even have the right to be present at that concert. I was an oddball there, among mostly young fans, that's how I felt. What was I doing there? Then, as the time passed, I felt very much relaxed. I enjoyed every second of the show. I am just hoping that the hideous outfit will never see the light of day, LOL! 
I was so glad when after brief intermission he came back for the part 2, wearing a silky white suit. That one, I really, really liked. ♥


Miki was whispering into my ear, translating what Dongha was saying:

- He says he is sorry for the San Jose cancellation
- He says he will be recording a song in a California studio in collaboration with someone.
- He says these pants are better than the previous ones, because those were a little tight.
- He says he recorded some song in duet with Ailee
- He says Ailee is like his little sister.
- He says "Calm down people, I am ONLY taking my jacket off, nothing more" 

He sang Early Rain,  one of my favorites from Immortal Song2 (bad audio below).

                                                                           @ @ @

He sang a few songs in English, and  was pretty good. I liked when he sang I Was Born To Love You, and was pointing at us! I am fully aware that it was cheesy, but still, it was nice.

He also sang The Temps Des Cathedrales,  in French, but that was pretty bad (but great voice). After the song, he asked "Does anyone here speak French"? Nobody volunteered. So he said "Oh, good. I once asked my friend, who knows French language, how was my pronunciation, and he said he couldn't understand a word from this song!".

                                                                            @ @ @
There was one thing that I anticipated to happen during the concert the water splash that DongHa frequently does. He sprinkles water on the audience from one of his drinking bottles that are on stage. He doesn't do that always, but somehow I felt it was going to happen this time. I was a little fearful and reluctant thinking about it, because what if it was going to be unpleasant? Well he did that TWICE, during two different songs,
and it was very very pleasant!!! Ha, ha! He warned us with gestures, everybody started screaming with anticipation, and raised their arms. And, woooosh! He "blessed us". He is so skillful in doing this trick, that he actually creates a very fine sprinkle, or a mist,  that travels far away. It felt so good, and was really a great fun.  ♥
I think I liked Whale Hunt the most - it was very much fun .  I think that's when he splashed the water on us.

Also Param, param, because he came to the audience, and passed by me - I was at the isle chair, so I could have touched him, if I had been brave enough, ha! ha!
He interrupted the song, and started saying that he is already too old and too tired to do this stuff, and he won't be able to finish the song if the audience doesn't scream, so that he can get some energy. Of course everyone screamed, he said thanks, and finished in spectacular way! ♥


Yes, it was amazing when he went into the audience singing. He has a lot of trust, I guess. 
He got down from the stage and ran up the theater stage. I reached a little with my hand, because I thought he would be touching people's hands on his way up. But he didn't. So, my next thought was, he went up to the back rows where Haley was hiding , to greet her.  It was dark, so I don't know  what he did up there. He quickly returned down the stairs, not touching people's hands either.  He received 2 flower bouquets, which Miki  captured  by his phone. 

Here is one of the pictures Miki took at my request. Pictures turned out bad, but the closeness of JDH to the 1st row is visible. Anyway, nobody behaved inappropriately during the concert, even though he sat on the edge of stage,  at some point,  and I think it was so close, that he was touching some people with his knees.  
Haley wrote me that after the concert he came out to the theater lobby, and talked to the people who where waiting for him, took pictures, and signed autographs. Unfortunately, I did not expect that, so we left right after the concert.. I never saw him in the lobby then. I don't know if my heart could take it, though. LOL, LOL, LOL. Yes, he looked tired. But that's because he flew for at least 13 hours from Korea to USA, then again across the American continent from West Coast to East Coast, and had only one day to adjust. His face looked pale, and eyes looked tired, almost barely open. He mentioned being tired, and asked audience to share some energy, but that was supposed to be a joke. Or maybe he was pretending it was a joke.
Also, Companion, because he was very goofy + funny with the yellow jacket

Then, the new OST, "Destiny", was very good too.
                                                                             ♥   ♥   ♥
From my chat with Fatma, after the concert:
Q: Is jdh handsome when you see him up close?
A: Yes, absolutely! I really like him. He is very proportionally built, has long legs, and the whole body very well designed. His face is maybe not very expressive, but very sweet, and gives impression of a good man.♥

                                                                              ♥  ♥  ♥
However, something unfortunate happened in the VA venue, that was really bad for some fans. I only found out about it after the tour was over. I was blissfully unaware, But Haley told me.
The facts are, that Dong Ha was supposed to meet with a group of VIP Fans who purchased special ticket packages. Concert was at 8pm, DH was going to meet them at 6pm at the theater. He never showed up. Then he claimed he wasn't told, but the organizers (one person in fact) said, he stayed in his hotel, because he didn't want to do the meeting. That person implied, that DH refused to meet the fans, because he preferred to sit in his hotel room, and was more concerned about his hairdo, and make up, rather than meeting the fans who paid  $300 each for the privilege. This caused quite a shock, and heartbreak, among that small group of fans. Apparently, later on, in LA, the concert organizer admitted he did not tell JDH people what was expected of him. 
But the damage was done. As a result, some people stopped being fans, and the FB "The Beautiful Dreamer" was  deleted. That's one of the reason that I named this tour "ill fated". Not only one of only 3 concerts had to be canceled, because someone forgot to arrange a  US visa for Dong Ha, and the plane was late, but also some misunderstandings caused a handful of fans become bitter and disillusioned. This unfortunate misunderstanding was the reason I had sensed something wrong from Haley. I had been right,  thinking that she was shaken or distracted.

Another phone pic taken by Miki at part1 of the concert
I should mention the intermission. I think Dong Ha just said he will be back after a short break. I'm not sure if he mentioned anything about someone else entertaining us. But then unexpectedly (to me), the guitarist from the background came upfront to the mic, and started singing. I already had my eye on him during the concert, since he seemed a great instrumentalist. But his great voice was a total surprise.
He sang "This Masquerade" by Leon Russell. Wow, that was so good!  My jaw dropped at such  excellent singing; I had no idea who he was. I later found out, his name was Jo Bum Jin, and he had just released an album, with jazzy songs.  He received an ovation from the audience, obviously he was known by the Koreans. Unfortunately nobody posted "The Masquerade" video neither from VA, or LA concert. He only sang 2 songs, second of them being from his new CD. There is a recording of him singing that song in LA, after the VA concert. Recently I found out that he also made a cute music video of it. The woman in the video looks like she is the background singer for Dongha and him, in the US. The song is awesome, and it looks like the title is "Awesome".   (the guy has too many teeth, ha, ha!). AND his album should have never been named "BJ Groove"! How unfortunate.

Even for Jo Bum Jin joining Jung Dong Ha concerts in the USA had been unlucky. In between his two songs, he talked to the audience. Miki translated, that he mentioned his car was broken into, while still in California. So, another unfortunate event! His rental car was  vandalized, while his bag which was inside, was stolen, with his passport and money. With so many bad events that happened almost at the same time, I wasn't surprised that Haley said, she wasn't sure if  Dong Ha will come to the USA again. It's a miracle that the recording of 2 album songs in LA studio went OK.

Jo Beom Jin in the background, with the red guitar. He turned out to be an excellent singer, too!!! (pic by Miki)

I want to finish with  best pic Miki took, and the happiest: DH holding flowers from fans (and a fan photobomb)

So, that's how the "ill fated" Jung Dong Ha's first individual "tour" of the US happened to my knowledge.
At the end, this was my post on FB, the next day:
"One of the great things about having gone to Dong Ha Jung concert, is that now I know he is a completely real person, not just a singing image on my Youtube." 

Jung Dong Ha  looks like ... I don't know, like someone from out of this world, another dimension. This is the way I often see him. I guess I should go again to his concert, because again, I begin to see him not as a real person. When I saw him up close, my brain straightened up, and I had the awareness that he is a real person. Now he is becoming this ethereal spirit, bringing comfort to my tired mind.

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