Sunday, May 17, 2015

Something spiritual

The contents of the  video below has been beautifully translated for me by my son Miki from Korean to English. I am extremely thankful (and proud). 


 "A video letter that conveys a thankful heart: This is singer Jeong Dong-Ha's message of thanks to Sister Lee Hae-In, who touched his heart through the beautiful poem she shared. He thanks her for providing him with a lot of mental/emotional/spiritual support through the most difficult portions of the 10 years since his debut."

Translated video

Male anchor: Right, now it's time to take a look at a celebrity's special memory. Morning Wide [name of the program] would like to share with you a celebrity's confession/profession (of thanks) towards "an angel in my life". This celebrity is someone with explosive singing ability that many women/ladies really like!
Female anchor: Oh, really? I'm curious!
Male anchor: Yes. Let's meet this person who makes hearts flutter!
Male anchor: Yes, just seeing (him sing) is amazing, right? That's right, he was rock group Bu-Hwal's vocalist, and his solo career is now well under way! It's Jeong Dong-Ha! And over the course of his career, there has been someone for whom he has been very grateful.  
Jeong Dong-Ha: Even though it's been 10 years since I debuted, there have been some really, really tough times. And when I thought about someone who has given me a lot of mental/emotional/spiritual support through those times, the person turned out to be none other than Sister Lee Hae-In!
Male anchor: This person has touched (Jeong Dong-Ha's) heart with her beautiful poems. What is his connection with Sister Lee Hae-In?  
Jeong Dong-Ha: It think it was in 2006, and it was Bu-Hwal's 11th album, and we used the poem titled "Hey friend, do you know..." that Sister Lee Hae-In wrote, and created a melody and made it into a song. Out of all the Bu-Hwal songs that I really like, that song is the one that means the most to me. [singing]: When flowers bloom~, When flowers fall apart~, It's genuinely painful~
Male anchor: He told us that after leaving a great group that he was a part of for 8 years, during his solo career, whenever he had trouble or felt down, Sister Lee Hae-In's poem was an immense source of strength.

{actual poem}
When flowers bloom,
When flowers fall apart,
It's genuinely painful.
When a tree sprouts flowers,
And when it bears fruit,
It's genuinely painful.

Jeong Dong-Ha: I set off on my own, and I had the thought that everything was coming to an end. But I was in an extremely popular group, right? And the goal of every singer is to "break the surface", which makes you very happy. But when you fall below that surface, there are a lot of difficult moments.
However, I thought about Sister Lee Hae-In's poem and considered her words, that the blooming of a flower is painful. Too much focus is placed on the blooming flower, because below the flower you can see the petals/fruit that have fallen off over time and are the true source of the plant's beauty. That message has always stuck with me, and is the reason why Sister Lee Hae-In is someone for whom I am extremely thankful.

[video message to Sister Lee Hae-In] Sister Lee Hae-In! Are you in good health? I'm sorry I haven't been able to keep in touch with you very often, but I hope that you have been healthy and happy!

Male anchor: Viewers! Just like this song did for Jeong Dong-Ha, is there a person you are reminded of that has helped you through difficult times? Text your story to #7004 and if your story is chosen as one of the most touching/moving, you may receive some of the $1000 dollars that we are giving out each month! We hope many of you will send us your stories!  
Jeong Dong-Ha's written message: Sister Hae-In! Thank you for always giving me great advice! I hope that you will always be in good health and that you dwell in peace!

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