Monday, July 27, 2015

Celebration of Jung Dong Ha Debut 10th Anniversary is coming!!!

Announcement for Jung Don Ha's Fan Meeting. I'm excited, even though I am not attending. These meetings take place every year, but it's special this year, because it's 10th Anniversary. Haley will be there, and I really hope Dong Ha will be happy, and relaxed, and allows himself to just enjoy and go with the flow.

Thanslation by Google Transaltor from the first announcement: 
"10 Years' Jeongdongha Fan Meeting Ticket sold no less than a minute.
Fan Meeting Ticket jeongdongha of open tickets via the site Interpark recently, was dawn in an instant total of 400 seats."
So that means this special show sold out 400 tickets in a minute.  That's great news that he has such dedicated fans. Of course he has more than 400 fans, but that's how many tickets were available for this special "M&G" (Meet and Greet, in USA).
The name of the meeting is "Thanks To You", which I am assuming is supposed to mean that Dong Ha says his fans  are responsible for his success, and he appreciates it. 
What a kiss-up. ^_^


Jung Dong Ha first debuted on stage as leading vocalist of the band Boohwal (Resurection) on July 29, 2005. At that time I had no idea he existed, and if someone had told me I would be a big fan of a singer from Korea, of all countries, I would have laughed.
His debut was on KBS-2 station. He stood on stage , barely moving, and his voice was not as excellent as now. I think his stance, his fragile looks, and shy demeanor immediately captured some hearts. Since then, he has grown to be a great entertainer, with wonderful vocals. But here's how he looked on that first day, 10 years ago:

                                                                   *  *  *  *  *
Despite being 35yrs old now, in my eyes he still looks very fragile. Not as shy any more, he
connects very well with the audience and that's a special gift.
Congratulations Jung Dong Ha on your 10th Anniversary. I wish you many more years of making people happy. That's your mission, have a lot of courage to be true to yourself.


Jung Dong Ha handling bugs. Yay!

Somebody on FB posted a couple of pictures of Jung Dong Ha with a big beetle! This was in the EBS Radio station, during his evening program "Music is like a book", on July 20, 2015. I am so glad he is not a sissy, is not afraid of big bad bug, and is able to handle it very skilfully. I would even say - "professionally", ha, ha!

Scary beetle with big pincers
Proof it's Dong Ha holding the beetle because you can see his funny lips

Of course I mean Dongha's funny lips, not the bug's.

My FB friend Fatma was chatting with me about this, and then she send me the video below, from 2011, where Dongha is playing with a Dragonfly.  It turns out,  this unique video was recorded by Haley. It appears that  it was during some rehearsal before an open air concert. And although I respect that Haley chose to illustrate the video with Ailee's song "Heaven", I set the video on mute, because I like it better that way. I really like that the video is in slow motion, showing how Dongha is stalking that Dragonfly, and finally catches it. Ailee's song is an excellent choice, but I find it a little distracting from what is going on there.

I captured images from the video, because I couldn't resist how cute he was.

Aaaah, here is a Dragonfly coming to sit on my microphone
I can play with it..
Come to Dongha, sweetie.
Hey, it flew away. It might come back, if I'm patient.
Aha! Here it is again landing on my mic stand.
I will just pretend to ignore it.
I am evil Dongha, and I can see you!
You are now at my mercy!
Don't worry, I won't hurt you. You'll be OK.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The show must go on !!!

From Jung Dong Ha's agency, Evermore Music; his concert tour is re-scheduled, and posted.

I can see that there is a long time gap between 7/18 and the next show on 8/15. We can expect around 7/30, there will be a special show/meeting with fans, to celebrate 10th anniversary of Dong Ha's debut as a singer. He appeared on stage for the first time in July 28th 2005, with the band Boohwal.

Ever since, there has been a special show every year towards the end of July, where he sings a little bit, receives some gifts, talks with fans, participates in some games, and skits. It's a kind of combination, of a concert/variety show/meet&greet, with a host who makes sure everything goes smoothly.
I don't think this is unique for Jung Dong Ha. It seems that all Korean pop singers have some kind of special celebrations, and they are very well prepared, and well organized. Looking forward to the end of this month.
Last year's 9th Anniversary meeting was a lot of fun, judging from videos. This year it's a round 10th Anniversary, so it should be even better. Anyway, the 2015 Concert Tour continues!