Monday, July 27, 2015

Jung Dong Ha handling bugs. Yay!

Somebody on FB posted a couple of pictures of Jung Dong Ha with a big beetle! This was in the EBS Radio station, during his evening program "Music is like a book", on July 20, 2015. I am so glad he is not a sissy, is not afraid of big bad bug, and is able to handle it very skilfully. I would even say - "professionally", ha, ha!

Scary beetle with big pincers
Proof it's Dong Ha holding the beetle because you can see his funny lips

Of course I mean Dongha's funny lips, not the bug's.

My FB friend Fatma was chatting with me about this, and then she send me the video below, from 2011, where Dongha is playing with a Dragonfly.  It turns out,  this unique video was recorded by Haley. It appears that  it was during some rehearsal before an open air concert. And although I respect that Haley chose to illustrate the video with Ailee's song "Heaven", I set the video on mute, because I like it better that way. I really like that the video is in slow motion, showing how Dongha is stalking that Dragonfly, and finally catches it. Ailee's song is an excellent choice, but I find it a little distracting from what is going on there.

I captured images from the video, because I couldn't resist how cute he was.

Aaaah, here is a Dragonfly coming to sit on my microphone
I can play with it..
Come to Dongha, sweetie.
Hey, it flew away. It might come back, if I'm patient.
Aha! Here it is again landing on my mic stand.
I will just pretend to ignore it.
I am evil Dongha, and I can see you!
You are now at my mercy!
Don't worry, I won't hurt you. You'll be OK.

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