Saturday, December 5, 2015

What we wish for Dong Ha-ssi

The year 2015 is coming slowly to an end, and in this last month Dong Ha's schedule is very packed! Several serious obligations are: Immortal Song 2 recording, participation in the musical "Turandot" as a main male lead, recording of a new single (what will it be ??? we want to know now!!!), and preparations for the special solo concert "Voice of My Heart". There are numerous minor events, squeezed in between. Will he pull it off without damaging his voice? Will he run out of energy too soon, before he can complete everything? A fan from Tunisia, Fatma, and I discussed this a little on chat today. We both agreed we can trust that Dong Ha can do it, he is tough enough, and probably had a few very intense years, while touring with Boohwal. He has had a very successful, and busy year 2015 so far. We are keeping our fingers crossed for an equally successful finish! As fans, we are of course quite concerned about his well being.
At the end of our chat, Fatma expressed her feelings very perfectly, and she said everything that I am also feeling in exact same way. I liked it so much, that I copied it here. This is what we really wish, and hope for:

We are rooting for you Dong Ha! Fighting!

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