Monday, May 30, 2016

Schedule for June 2016

                    Big thanks to Summer Yu who translated Jung Dongha's busy June 2016 schedule.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

New mini-album DREAM announced

Track list has been posted, and Music Video is recorded. Both will be released on June 2nd, 2016. From what I can tell, Dong Ha has contributed to lyrics (track 1, 3, 4, 5, 6), and  composed tracks 3, 4, 5. Wow, so unexpected to me. What a sweet surprise. Track number 2, written entirely by someone else, is also offered as instrumental version, in track number 7. I hope the music is worthy the instrumental recording only. Anyway, I'm very excited!


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

May 2016

So far, seemingly, May 2016 has  not been that busy for Dong Ha.
Just a few performances here and there, which I think is beneficial for him, to use his voice gently, but continuously. However, news is, that he has started recording his second album, and as far as I can understand, it will also include a DVD from one of his concerts! That's fantastic! There are also official reports about him recording a new music video (MV). He's been also likely rehearsing for this "Notre Dame de Paris" come back, too. Another concert of the "Dream" tour is coming up on June 2nd. Now, the most recent news is, he may be on IS2 again? I'm feeling a little melancholic in past few days, so here are some lovely pictures of Dong Ha, taken by fans at his May appearances. Of course, I'm happy with the long sweater. Pretty cool. Thanks to Yellowbigmoon, and Janabee for taking such great pictures at concerts.

 The video below, from today, or maybe yesterday, brightened my mood a little. He was on a KBS1-TV, singing and talking. The concert was called Feel, and it was in open air. Looks like there was a wet weather. Even if I don't understand, I really like him talking. This time he speaks really fast.

And another one! Desperado! This is strange/funny to me that he likes to sing this song so often. Maybe he knows his audience likes it, too.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Do dreams really come true?

The updated schedule for NOTRE DAME DE PARIS musical  has been posted. Extended now till July 17th. But I know that there will be shows through August 21st. Oh, Lord, please let me go to Korea this Summer...snifff. Is it really going to be impossible? Sniff. Should I really pray for such a thing?

The schedule below, where someone compiled all Dong Ha's performances,  shows that Hong Kwang Ho and Jung Dong Ha will be together in the show  on the following dates: 6-19, 6-23, 6-30, 7-03, 7-06, 7-16, 7-17.  I wish, I wish, I wish. I guess I will leave it to fate.