Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Do dreams really come true?

The updated schedule for NOTRE DAME DE PARIS musical  has been posted. Extended now till July 17th. But I know that there will be shows through August 21st. Oh, Lord, please let me go to Korea this Summer...snifff. Is it really going to be impossible? Sniff. Should I really pray for such a thing?

The schedule below, where someone compiled all Dong Ha's performances,  shows that Hong Kwang Ho and Jung Dong Ha will be together in the show  on the following dates: 6-19, 6-23, 6-30, 7-03, 7-06, 7-16, 7-17.  I wish, I wish, I wish. I guess I will leave it to fate.


  1. I just came across your blog and thought, why not be a nice person and tell them so :) Well here I am, just as excited and just as sad as you are. Dongha, I got to know around the same time as you and Kwang Ho through Death Note with Xia Junsu of JYJ. Both are precious voices to me, along many other but ofcourse Jung Dongha is very close to my heart - hence trying to be the Dora the explorer at 1 am insteaad of sleeping- Starting kpop-using it as an extremely broad term- I had many voices that touched me. Kwangho is one, the person who led me to him, Junsu is another. Lee Hongki is forever the king in my heart, he is the reason I was able to keep my head high and arguably the only singer around who can sing Gohae better than Dongha -as he got acknowledged by the original singer- and I can always appreciate a good Jo Sungmo or a K.Will song when the mood is right but there is just something so raw and different about Dongha. He has the voice, the feelings and most importantly for me who started out as a kpop fan he has a never ending ambition. It's something me and friends always say,if only Hongki can follow his footsteps...but I guess you can't deny that Dongha was very lucky when it comes to live and learn. I don't think I need to tell you what Dongha makes me feel like other people I introduce him to, so this is just a hello for now.
    I will be keeping an eye for news and stuff and hopefully we can see and hear him live one day.

  2. Just returned from Korea and had a chance to see JDH in Notre Dame de Paris. I think this was one of the best musical I have seen in Korea, and I have seen so many. The show was like a mini JDH concert as he sang so many songs. He was fabulous and I would not mind seeing the show again. I enjoyed his concert in April and hope to see him in concert again. He is not only a great singer but also a great entertainer. I only wish I could understand what he was saying at this concert. I am the senior from Hawaii who tries to catch him whenever I go to Korea. Keep up the good work with your website.
