Friday, March 24, 2017

Why do we idolize artists?

Last Friday my husband and I watched a re-run of an old British detective show, "Inspector Morse". It used to be our favorite show a few years back, so the re-runs are a great way to catch up with those episodes we had missed. That particular episode was called "Twilight of The Gods".

Inspector Morse is a huge fan of opera music. He listens to female opera divas when he thinks about his cases, and actually he listens to classical music everywhere he can. He is delighted when a famous Welsh opera diva comes to Oxford, to receive an honorary degree, and give a couple of concerts.

He attends the first concert, and is completely enchanted by this woman. Her voice, her performing talent put him in a dream like state. After the concert, he views the world around him, and even his own job, as mundane. The everyday pursuits of regular people appear of lesser value than the magical world of art. In his eyes, the singer is like a goddess, even though she is middle aged, and not even attractive. It is her natural talent and artistry that makes such a huge impact on Morse. Himself, being an aging man, becomes like a teenager worshiping a pop idol.

Circumstances force him to come from his cloud nine down to earth, because his beloved artist is shot in bright day, on Oxford campus. She is gravely injured and taken to hospital. Obviously, it is a murder attempt. Morse is shocked - who would want to harm such a divine woman?

Morse jumps into an investigation to find out who was behind the outrageous attack. In the course of his research of the background, and private life of the diva, he uncovers more and more facts about the singer, that are much less than "divine". Little by little, his enthusiasm for her changes into sad disappointment. He finds out, she divorced her husband, decided not to have children, because they would "mess up" her career. But that's not the worse. She is very mean to her staff, screams and throws things at them, threatens them with firing at every minute mistake. Morse discovers also, that the lady has one night stands with very young men; she has a very strong "appetite" for them. To make it easy for herself, she keeps her youngest pretty little sister with her, everywhere she goes, to attract the young men, and then steal them for herself. That woman is just an unsavory character. Hence, the "Twilight Of The Gods". She was one of "the gods", in that show.

Well, it turns out she was shot by mistake - someone else was the real target for the shooter. But thanks to this, Morse becomes disillusioned with the world of artists. He confides in his sergeant Lewis about it. Lewis's comment is - "we are all humans, sir", and Morse responds -"Yes, WE! But artists? I have always thought that artists were DIFFERENT, BETTER than us."

So WE, the commoners, tend to put artists on pedestals. We assume, they must be made of a different substance than us. Just because they've been blessed with that special talent, we think of them as totally special people.
I am myself guilty of this kind of misguided thinking. Also, from my past experience of being a fan of singer X, and getting into personal encounters with other fans, I could see the whole "worshiping" nonsense. The fans wanted to see all the best in him; best talent, best intelligence, best heart, best humor, everything. Even when there were serious reports of his less than stellar behavior behind the scenes, those fans(and for a while, myself) refused to come to terms, and pretended that those reports were false. Even when they saw it with their own eyes, or the sources of information were legitimate, they dismissed everything. Some still do. But this is a digression.

Here, I am writing a blog dedicated to singer Jung Dong Ha, and it looks like the main reason for it is to idolize him? No? Or, to express my admiration? I really don't know why I do this. I think the main reason is to free my mind of thoughts about him, and his singing. I tend to think obsessively about multiple subjects. It may be tiring. But once I write it down somewhere, I stop thinking about it. My mind is clear, I can proceed with other things. I am free of burden.

But then, the truth is, that being a fan of Jung Dongha gives me a lot of joy and happiness. He gives extra color to my life. Even if my life was very colorful, which it isn't, Dongha's singing would add even more color. Because of  that, I was truly disturbed when Maggie(not real name), quite suddenly stopped being a fan of Dongha, after having been involved behind the stage as concert staff. She went almost overnight, from enthusiastic supporter, to a sarcastic and resentful person. That really bothered me, because she must have had a reason. What did she experience, what did she see that made her change attitude so drastically? I was very fearful to ask her. I did ask her though, indirectly, but her responses were very unclear. Whatever she gave as reasons of being disappointed with Dongha, were ridiculous. Like the fact that he showed up to only one rehearsal instead of planned 3 rehearsals? Really? That would cause such anger? Please. So either it was something much more serious, but she didn't want to share, or it was her personal expectations were not fulfilled, during her brief involvement.
But if it was something serious, how would I react if I knew about it? Would I be able to separate what the artist does, from who the artist is? It might be very difficult!

Of course, being an adoring fan, I think the best of him. On the professional side, he is hardworking, always challenging himself and his fans with new artistic endeavors, not shying away from risky performances which may not always bring applause. He tries anyway. Through his singing, he is able both convey seriously deep emotions, as well as entertain and amuse his audience with playful, lighthearted  numbers.
I do completely accept his image. I do think that he is a great person, someone who I would like to be friend with, if it were possible. Someone who has no mean bone in his body, who is gentle and kind, honest, humble, wise beyond his age. Someone who understands, and accepts, that his mission in life is to make people happy, if only for a brief time. Someone who shares their special gift with joy and love.
That's who I think Jung Dong Ha is.
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However, I am fully aware it may be just my delusion. But then, my expectations, or perception of him are not  unreasonable. His talent as a singer is absolute. It's OK for me if he is slightly cheesy sometimes. He doesn't have to be very appreciative to his fans for their continuous support. Sometimes I think he shows too much appreciation ^_^ . 
I just want him to remain a decent person, like I think he is.  I don't want to experience another disappointment, like some 12 yrs ago, with singer X, who at the end, was revealed to be a narcissistic jerk.

But, aren't all artists narcissists, who only think about their own good? I hope not, but I am mentally prepared for any bad scandal. It will hurt when it happens, I know, but it will not take me by surprise.
I think we are all searching for something sublime, pure, unspoiled. Hmmm. Why do we think we can  find it in some artists ?  Because to us common people, they present certain image, we believe is a promise of  something  flawless.


  1. Hi there :-) I came across your blog whilst looking up regarding Jung Dongha. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and musings.

    I fell in love with JDH’s voice as I came across his performance in KOMS, and it is a bonus that he is so pleasing to the eyes. lol He had that rocker swag about him and the hint of rebellion (changing his costumes every week when most contestants wear the same outfit even though it meant getting heat-stroke haha) that intrigues me. I never imagined that he is such a soft spoken and gentle person off-stage. Ever since, I have searched up as many clips about him that I could find, and vow to watch one of his live performance.

    Although I am considered a newbie fan of JDH, I can see that he has a perfectionist attitude towards music. Even vocal analysts praised him for his good work ethics and his vast improvement over the years, which makes him arguably one of the best male vocalist in korea. I always believe that artists must have a streak of eccentricity to them to make music and excel at what they do. After all, they are all leading double lives (one being a public persona, and at home being a loving family member to their loved ones). It speaks a lot for his character, since he marries his non-celebrity first love, and does very well in separating his personal life from his career. He does not drink alcohol very well, and is well known for his good attitude. Of course, with his perfectionist work ethics, it might be hard on the staffs working with him. And I think no matter how nice he is, it would be impossible for him to oblige every single request. A simple matter of not agreeing to give out autographs might turn a fan into an anti.

    Let us hope that he continues to flourish in his career, and bring joy and happiness to our lives. Sorry for my long reply. I am just too excited to come across your awesome blog. :-D Have a nice day dearie. xx

  2. Julie, thanks for commenting, and bless you for supporting this wonderful singer. It pleases me so much, whenever someone writes nice things about him. I agree with your impression of him, including that he has a perfectionist attitude towards his music. He stated this himself in one of the interviews with Arirang. When asked what he would change about his career, he said he would have started official auditions much earlier than he did, at 25, but he was postponing that, working to improve his skills. He thought he should have auditioned earlier, because that would have given him more experience of singing for others, not just for himself. So he regrets that.
    Let us hope he continues to flourish. I love your post, so thoughtful. I still consider myself a newbie fan of his, although I discovered him already 3 yrs ago! However, there are his fans who have been following him since his first performances with Boohwal in 2005. BTW, his birthday is April 17, and there will be special concert/meeting with fans.

  3. Dear Ava, thank you for replying to my comment. You are such a sweetheart. :-D I am so envious that you have attended his concerts in the past, and I hope that someday I will have the chance to listen to his awesome vocals live too. My twin sister is also a huge fan of his, and we spent most of our free time ooh-ing and aah-ing over his past performances. I believe we have gone through tons of material over a few months… it felt as if we have known him for a long time. LOL I am always very thankful to all his loyal supporters who shared his videos, clips etc. I think he has a very sensible and lovely bunch of fans. It amazes me to see him smiling and speaking normally to his fans before leaving from his van after each concert. He is such a friendly and down-to-earth person. JDH is very special, and I believe him worthy of our love. :-D

  4. Hi Ava, thanks for writing about JDH. What you wrote here resonates with me very well. I never fell in love with any actors nor singers before. But, I don't know why he makes me happy so very much, as you said, makes my life more colorfull. I live in a country with 8-hour flight to Korea. But, I travelled there 3 times already in the past 3 years just to watch his concerts.
