Saturday, June 13, 2015

Well, I have to keep THIS!

This is a fragment of and insight interview by Arirang TV Station, which broadcasts in the US in English, about the Korean entertainment. It was around end of November 2014, and JDH was answering many questions about his solo career, and about his philosophy as a singer in general. Here he is answering a few questions "What if?"

In this interview, I would say, he looks a little bit tired, as this is the end of the year that he started to work as a solo singer, separated from the band Boohwal. He was so very busy, performing live, recording TV appearances, launching his first solo album, traveling, meeting with fans, starting as regular radio show host. He had mentioned on the first 2015 IS2 show that the previous year had been difficult for him. However, I would say, that his hard work definitely paid off, because now, in 2015, he seems to remain very popular, and very visible, and seems to be much less stressed out. His position in the entertainment business in Korea appears (to me) very strong, judging by the fact he is invited to various TV shows, and to multiple events and interviews as well. Online media reviews are very positive.
The full version of this video is available somewhere on the You Tube. I went to see it again, and I was surprised to find my own comment, which still expresses well what I am thinking.

"Thank you Arirang. As a fan I really appreciate you gave us access to Jung Dong Ha as a person. Dong Ha, thank you for being fearless. Thank you for opening up, to let us know you better. You are a treasure." (Ava Krol)

Just because...'s so cute, and sweet. May 10th, 2015: Dong Ha, talking to fans at a parking lot of the KBS station, after recording a TV show. Fans are very restrained, as always. I am very impressed that there are no screaming or grabbing. It seems like Korean fans scream only at the concerts.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Fantastic performance on Immortal Song 2

To distract our minds from the sorrow of the cancelled shows this month, let us soothe our hearts with this most recent  IS2 performance on May 23, 2015.

Since this is a post about the rocker Dong Ha, let's have a bonus song. It's also from Immortal Songs 2, earlier this year


                    Jung Dong Ha! - you rock so well !

June concerts postponed because of MERS

I found the most recent news on the Facebook. The two previously announced concerts:
June 14, 2015 in Incheon and June 20 in Changwon have been canceled for now.
The culprit is MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrom), which was brought to Korea by a man who traveled to Saudi Arabia, Quatar and a couple of other Arabic countries.
Already 6 people died in Korea, many are infected. Schools have been closed, and many public events canceled. I read that trains in Seoul are being disinfected.
I have been aware about this for about a week, when my husband told me he read the news in the Wall Street Journal. But a fan on Facebook from Hong Kong told me today that this has been going on since May 17th in Korea. She was of the opinion that everything was going well, and by the end of June the outbreak will be under control. It is expected that
Jung Dong Ha concerts will be rescheduled.

Monday, June 1, 2015

More spiritual stuff - Nella Fantasia 2011

April 11, 2011 7:00 Cheongju Student Cultural Center

Italian lyrics
Nella fantasia io vedo un mondo giusto,
Lì tutti vivono in pace e in onestà.
Io sogno d'anime che sono sempre libere,
Come le nuvole che volano,
Pien' d'umanità in fondo all'anima.
 English translation
In my fantasy I see a just world
Where all live in peace and honesty
I dream of souls that are always free
Like clouds that soar
Full of humanity in the depths of the soul.
Nella fantasia io vedo un mondo chiaro
Lì anche la notte è meno oscura.
Io sogno d'anime che sono sempre libere,
Come le nuvole che volano.
Pien' d'umanità.
In my fantasy I see a bright world
Where every night there is less darkness
I dream of souls that are always free
Like clouds that soar
Full of humanity.
Nella fantasia esiste un vento caldo,
Che soffia sulle città, come amico.
Io sogno d'anime che sono sempre libere,
Come le nuvole che volano,
Pien' d'umanità in fondo all'anima.
In my fantasy exists a warming wind
That breathes into the city, like a friend
I dream of souls that are always free
Like clouds that soar
Full of humanity in the depths of the soul.