Tuesday, October 27, 2015

How does he rate himself

Here is this little interview he did  a week ago. Translation by my son Miki.

So the host asks him: 

H: "If you were to score yourself as a singer, how many points out of 100 would you say you are?" 

JDH: "If I am tough on myself, I would like to give myself 50 points."

H: "Aren't you are being too hard on yourself?"

JDH: "Then I will say 60 points" 

H:  "Haha. You can go higher" 

JDH: "70 points" 

H:  "Hahahahaha. So what about the left 30 points...?" 

JDH:  "Those are the parts I still need to unlock. If you achieve perfection, that's the end, right? In all honesty."

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