Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Water Ambassador ? ? ?

Our Beloved Jung always drinks water on stage. Whenever he does that, as soon as he starts bringing the bottle up to his mouth, it causes his crazy, dedicated female fans to scream their heads off, as if he was doing a striptease, or something.  He knows it's going to happen, and can't contain a smile.

So, it wasn't a huge surprise, that in April of this year, Jung Dong Ha was appointed (together with some other celebrities) to be an Honorary Water Ambassador for the "7th WORLD WATER FORUM", in Daegu, South Korea, April 12 - 17th. From the website : "The World Water Forum is a large-scale international conference that is held every three years since 1997 in cooperation with the public, private sectors, academia, and industries. It was first launched in an effort to facilitate international discussions on global water challenges."
Jung Dong Ha's image appeared on variety of promotion materials, ig.brochures, and postcards.


As the  celebrity Water Ambassador , he also performed at the special kick-off  concert a month before the  international forum.  The blue balloons on stage symbolize water, really cute idea.

오늘 #대구 #EXCO 에서 열린 #2015대구경북세계물포럼 D-30일 합동보고회에 홍보대사 축하공연을 위해 우리 #정동하 가수님께서 참석하셨습니다~! 다음주 #경주 #HICO 에서도 #세계물의날 기념 행사가 열리는데 이날도 축하 공연이 마련되어 있습니다 :D
Posted by 정동하 Fanpage on Friday, March 13, 2015

                                                                            ♥   ♥   ♥

I mentioned previously that he also does something else with his water at concerts - he splashes it at the audience from one of his water bottles that are always on stage. And here we come to the whole point, and reason for this post, ha! There are so many awesome pictures around, showing him  tossing the water. I just wanted to collect them in one place.

I don't think he does it always at every concert, but frequently enough, to have developed this awesome skill. I experienced it too. YES! I got water sprinkled by Jung Dong Ha. AND I LIKED IT.

But I still wonder, how can he have been a Water Ambassador, and actually WASTE water like this ???
Perhaps he doesn't consider it a waste, but rather a way of bringing certain consolation to people who came to his concert maybe with heavy hearts, a symbolic way of washing away their troubles and sorrows, if only for a moment. In that case, you are excused Mr. Jung. Honestly, I was afraid that after having been nominated  Water Abassador, he would stop doing his thing. But, he is still doing it.

And above is the official ambassadorial picture of Jung Dong Ha, attending the opening ceremony of the Water Forum last April. Yes, his real name is JUNG JAE-HWAN.  Jung Dong Ha is just a stage name.
I don't even know how to pronounce his real name, because Korean English spelling is strange and does not reflect the way it's really pronounced.
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