Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Prince Khalaf !

JDH as prince Kalaf in Turandot - Musical, on Dec.11-2015. The title is the same as the famous opera composed by Puccini - probably because the story of  cruel princess Turandot  is basically the same. Music is different, and from what I know, the musical was first time put on stage in 2011.
I believe the music is composed by a Korean(s). From the video of curtain call, the music is very nice, quite contemporary.
Currently, the musical is shown in Daegu Opera House, and Dongha is scheduled to join the team of singers/actors once again on Dec. 26 and 27th, for 3 performances. Then in February and March 2016, the show is coming to Seoul, and hopefully we will see Dongha as Prince Khalaf a few more times.

I wish I knew more about the creators of this musical, and the story behind it, but it was very difficult to find any information.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

What we wish for Dong Ha-ssi

The year 2015 is coming slowly to an end, and in this last month Dong Ha's schedule is very packed! Several serious obligations are: Immortal Song 2 recording, participation in the musical "Turandot" as a main male lead, recording of a new single (what will it be ??? we want to know now!!!), and preparations for the special solo concert "Voice of My Heart". There are numerous minor events, squeezed in between. Will he pull it off without damaging his voice? Will he run out of energy too soon, before he can complete everything? A fan from Tunisia, Fatma, and I discussed this a little on chat today. We both agreed we can trust that Dong Ha can do it, he is tough enough, and probably had a few very intense years, while touring with Boohwal. He has had a very successful, and busy year 2015 so far. We are keeping our fingers crossed for an equally successful finish! As fans, we are of course quite concerned about his well being.
At the end of our chat, Fatma expressed her feelings very perfectly, and she said everything that I am also feeling in exact same way. I liked it so much, that I copied it here. This is what we really wish, and hope for:

We are rooting for you Dong Ha! Fighting!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Busy busy busy

Jung Dong Ha receives SEOUL SUCCESS AWARD 2015

Dong Ha got an award, yay! Small award for my beloved singer, BIG joy for me!!!
On November 30, 2015 there was an award ceremony in the Seoul Hyatt Hotel.  THE SEOUL SUCCESS AWARDS are given by a major Seoul newspaper (whose name I don't know), to multiple people in many categories, like education, economics, business, art, entertainment, etc.  People who contribute in various ways to general Seoul's successful development receive this award yearly.
Jung Dong Ha received the Award as a singer.
He is Seoul's citizen, and his entire efforts throughout 2015 were judged worthy of the award.
It makes me very happy that he is so appreciated, and even more so, because he looked very cute during the ceremony. His suit and dark shirt, with lightly dotted collar, and dark tie, was all a very chic combo. Below, the cute picture, and the video of him receiving the Award, and gifts.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

About Jung Dong Ha (for Ewa H.) - Korean singer

정동하 (정재환) Jung Dong ha   
  • SH K-Star

    • 출생(Date of birth) : 1980년 04월 17일 ( April / 17 / 1980 )
    • 나이(Age) : 36 세 (만35세)
    • 성별(Sex) : 남성 (male)
    • 별자리(Star sign) : 양자리(Aries)
    • (Chinese zodiac sign) : 원숭이띠(Monkey)
    • 직업(Job) : 가수(singer)
    • 인기도(Popular): ***** 손님 2,391분께서 평가해주신 평균 점수는 10점, 별점(100 / 100) 입니다.
      인기도 참여는 바로 위 별점으로 평가해주시면 됩니다.

    • 조회수(count) : ,
      회원 로그인 후 접속하신 조회수 입니다.
      (비로그인시 카운터 되지 않습니다)
    • 2014년 조회수 : ,
    • 신체(Body size) : 178cm, 65kg
    • 데뷔(Debut) : 2005년 부활 10집 앨범 [서정] July 2005, 10th Anniversary in 2015