Saturday, March 26, 2016

New Concert Tour >Dream< 2016, begins !

First concert in Busan today! This is the tour that I am secretly dreaming of attending at some point, because it is most likely going to be extended through July and August. I have plans to go to Korea in the Summer, to visit Miki in Incheon. So, yes, the name Dream for this tour, is meaningful to me, as in "dream come true".

This first concert in Busan has already taken place, as there are 13 hrs difference between  NC and Korea.
I don't know what he sang. But I have a funny report, that Jung Dong Ha , took off his boots, and went barefooted on stage. Apparently the stylist made him wear very high heels, and maybe he wasn't comfortable. Thus, the fans witnessed another "streaptease". There are even pictures of his naked feet, but I will not post here out of respect.  ^_^


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Something beautiful...

He brings me to tears sometimes. This is from Jeju concert with Sonya, a couple of days ago, squeezed in between his Turandot shows.
Thank you Cafri, whoever you are, for posting great videos and pictures of this singer.                                  

Sunday, March 6, 2016

TURANDOT again...

I read some fans comments under pictures of Dong Ha  in his costume from the musical. One of them said:

                       " Was he a prince in his previous life? Because this role suits him so well"

The show is still going on, and there are 4 more dates with Dong Ha as Prince Khalaf.
One thing I noticed, while viewing pictures from various days of the shows, is that the other two actors who also play Khalaf, always wear a necklace. Dong Ha doesn't. I keep wondering why. He in fact almost always wears necklaces during concerts. So it's puzzling he is not wearing one in this musical, while other actors in the same costume, decorate their necks.           

Thursday, March 3, 2016

More TURANDOT, because it's so cool

I am posting a couple of "Turandot" related videos, because it is still on-going in Seoul right now, until March 13, 2016. One video is from curtain call on Feb. 28, 2016. There are many of these curtain call videos posted on Youtube, from all the shows Dongha is in. I really love checking these out, since the music is so good, and the costumes spectacular. The curtain call from Feb 28th is so nice, because Jung Dong Ha is particularly animated and happy. It must have been a very good audience on that day.

"Turandot-The Musical" is such a world class production!!!I admire the actors/singers, but also all those people who are responsible for putting everything together: directing a large group of people to make sure the message of the story is well conveyed, both by the music, the acting and singing, the costumes, the lighting, the emotions, and to make it all finally run smoothly, and give beautiful, unforgettable experience to the viewers. I am so proud and happy that Dongha is part of it.
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 The second video, is Jung Dong Ha performing his leading song of Prince Kalaf "I Cannot Reveal My Name", at a KBS special concert, on February 3rd, 2016. The video is blocked from embedding, so I converted it to mp4, and I include the Youtube link.

KBS Concert February 3, 2016