Saturday, March 26, 2016

New Concert Tour >Dream< 2016, begins !

First concert in Busan today! This is the tour that I am secretly dreaming of attending at some point, because it is most likely going to be extended through July and August. I have plans to go to Korea in the Summer, to visit Miki in Incheon. So, yes, the name Dream for this tour, is meaningful to me, as in "dream come true".

This first concert in Busan has already taken place, as there are 13 hrs difference between  NC and Korea.
I don't know what he sang. But I have a funny report, that Jung Dong Ha , took off his boots, and went barefooted on stage. Apparently the stylist made him wear very high heels, and maybe he wasn't comfortable. Thus, the fans witnessed another "streaptease". There are even pictures of his naked feet, but I will not post here out of respect.  ^_^



  1. I fall in love to him since saw him in the immortal song 2 in 2013, He sung, song called “Please”
    at first i just said to my self .. what a great singer with his superb voice , soul and great perfomance , such amazing talent.
    after all , south korean have excellent singers and songs.

    I really appreciate your hard work .Good job Ava:)

  2. Thank you for your comment! ^-^

  3. Saw him in Seoul on April 2nd. What a awesome concert! I, too, love him and wait to see him on Immortal. He is always the best. I just got tickets to see him in Notre Dame. Loved him in Joseph. I am from Hawaii and in my 70's.

  4. Anonymous!I am so happy that he has a fan in Hawaii. Bless you for supporting this exceptional artist! I may be able to go to Korea this Summer. I will try to see him live, wherever I can. Jung Dong Ha also has a fan in her 80-ties, in Hungary!

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