Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Throw Back Thursday #6 - 2013

                Speaking of theatrics, it looks like Dongha learned that from Boohwal. Ha!Ha!
                 Here are some stage antics with his Boohwal band mates in  May 2013.
                 That was when I had no idea that Jung Dong Ha existed somewhere far away.

                                                                                      ♥     ♥     ♥


                    More of it from the same tour:

 I think, at some point Jung Dongha had outgrown the band. I am glad he went solo. It was a natural progress of things. I know there are fans who still mourn the split between Dongha and Boohwal. There are even those who could not accept it, and are not fans of Dongha, because to them Boohwal and Dongha were like one , unbreakable unit. The fact they went their separate ways after 9 years together was too shocking. I have no memories, and no nostalgia for those first years of  Dongha's  music career. I only found him shortly after he became a solo singer. I am amazed by him, and I love watching how he is evolving, and growing.

PS. I just realized I posted a Thursday blog on a Wednesday! I got mixed up.

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