Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Aaaaaaaah....sold out! ♥

What a beautiful poster. I think in general Dong Ha has been lucky with all the promotion materials done for him. Almost all the posters, banners, announcements, etc, are usually quite nicely designed. This particular poster is just exquisite, and conveys the kind of image of him, that most fans probably can agree with: Jung Dong Ha, a gentle personality, and a passionate singer.

This poster has been issued to promote a special Winter concert, VOICE OF MY HEART, Dec 19 & 20.

Looking at it, I'm also thinking of how the Immortal Song2 host presented him recently to the audience:
"Sentimental Rocker - Jung Dong Ha!" That host tries to always say something new about each singing star, and he once got in trouble when he compared JDH to a well known actor Song Joong Ki. Some people weren't happy. So I wonder if everybody will agree with the label of "sentimental". Many fans insist he has a rocker roots (having spent 9 years with the band Boohwal), and love him to rock on stage.  Personally I love almost everything he sings. I love the facts that he tries various genres, and is equally captivating in each.

But my post is about this enchanting art work. I want to shout: "artist, artist, artist! whoever you are, you did a wonderful job". Below is a slightly different version of  it.  Aaaaah.....! I love the snowflakes in his hair, while in the previous version the snowflakes are on his sweater, which is lovely too.

The latest news are : the two shows of 400 seats each, SOLD OUT in the first 5 minutes.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Jung Dong Ha has no sense of humor?

Pffftt...why say that? I can see, and I can sense plenty of  humor in him. He definitely has a lighter side in him, and isn't afraid to show it. The video below is a  great fan tribute - a compilation of the banter from the Summer 2015 concerts.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Water Ambassador ? ? ?

Our Beloved Jung always drinks water on stage. Whenever he does that, as soon as he starts bringing the bottle up to his mouth, it causes his crazy, dedicated female fans to scream their heads off, as if he was doing a striptease, or something.  He knows it's going to happen, and can't contain a smile.

So, it wasn't a huge surprise, that in April of this year, Jung Dong Ha was appointed (together with some other celebrities) to be an Honorary Water Ambassador for the "7th WORLD WATER FORUM", in Daegu, South Korea, April 12 - 17th. From the website : "The World Water Forum is a large-scale international conference that is held every three years since 1997 in cooperation with the public, private sectors, academia, and industries. It was first launched in an effort to facilitate international discussions on global water challenges."
Jung Dong Ha's image appeared on variety of promotion materials, ig.brochures, and postcards.


As the  celebrity Water Ambassador , he also performed at the special kick-off  concert a month before the  international forum.  The blue balloons on stage symbolize water, really cute idea.

오늘 #대구 #EXCO 에서 열린 #2015대구경북세계물포럼 D-30일 합동보고회에 홍보대사 축하공연을 위해 우리 #정동하 가수님께서 참석하셨습니다~! 다음주 #경주 #HICO 에서도 #세계물의날 기념 행사가 열리는데 이날도 축하 공연이 마련되어 있습니다 :D
Posted by 정동하 Fanpage on Friday, March 13, 2015

                                                                            ♥   ♥   ♥

I mentioned previously that he also does something else with his water at concerts - he splashes it at the audience from one of his water bottles that are always on stage. And here we come to the whole point, and reason for this post, ha! There are so many awesome pictures around, showing him  tossing the water. I just wanted to collect them in one place.

I don't think he does it always at every concert, but frequently enough, to have developed this awesome skill. I experienced it too. YES! I got water sprinkled by Jung Dong Ha. AND I LIKED IT.

But I still wonder, how can he have been a Water Ambassador, and actually WASTE water like this ???
Perhaps he doesn't consider it a waste, but rather a way of bringing certain consolation to people who came to his concert maybe with heavy hearts, a symbolic way of washing away their troubles and sorrows, if only for a moment. In that case, you are excused Mr. Jung. Honestly, I was afraid that after having been nominated  Water Abassador, he would stop doing his thing. But, he is still doing it.

And above is the official ambassadorial picture of Jung Dong Ha, attending the opening ceremony of the Water Forum last April. Yes, his real name is JUNG JAE-HWAN.  Jung Dong Ha is just a stage name.
I don't even know how to pronounce his real name, because Korean English spelling is strange and does not reflect the way it's really pronounced.
                                                                             ♥  ♥  ♥

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

"OneHallyu" blog rates Jung Dongha as #2 vocalist in Korea for third quarter of 2015

The performance of "If You Are Like Me", on Immortal Song 2 TV show, not only brought DongHa a winning trophy back in June, but also an appreciation from vocal experts. The OneHallyu blog gave our singer a very high #2 rating (and the #1 is the incredible Kim Sohyang). I wasn't aware of this blog, so I want to thank Fatma of Tunisia for pointing it out to me. ♥ The people who write the blog are truly knowledgeable about vocal techniques, which I concluded after finding their in depth analysis of singing, here: Official vocals thread. So it really warmed up my heart to see that people with professional knowledge of the subject do appreciate the singer I love. Thanks.

Below is the official judgement written in the blog:

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 Featured, Korean Entertainment 
Top 10 VOH!cals (Q3 of 2015) 
 November 1, 2015

South Korea is a host to hundreds of talented and capable singers, with exceptional and jaw dropping performances to boot. South Korea is not all about K-Pop, top professional gamers, and PSY. Power performers are there for us to explore, learn, and love. 

For every quarter in each year, our VOH!cals team consist of Rinne, AhMin, VT Evil Queen, and Haruko will go through amazing vocal performances in currently active quarter. There are lots of them, but we can’t
list them all out so we decided to rank the best 10 among the best.

#2 Jung Dongha

Haruko: Jung Dongha’s take on “If You’re Like Me” is probably one of the most interesting on this list. He starts off softly, a normal on Immortal Song 2. But after a few minutes, he does something rare. He sings acapella, which(while brief) most vocalists would avoid. Dongha then resonates his way through the song before going acapella again and belting into the climax of the song.

VT Evil Queen: Starting off the song with soft slightly airy vocals Dongha plays into one of the most used gimmicks used by people who sing ballads, which has been demonstrated numerous times on this list, but unlike others he adds acapella section adding a completely different dynamic to the performance this also shows his confidence as a vocalist. Aside from just using airy vocals he also adds a slight rasp here and there to give the song more life. Dongha also easily resonates his way through this performance showing great skill.

Ahmin: Jung Dongha is one of those vocalists who has shown that good technique keeps your voice for years and years. He has such good control of his voice and he is not one of those beginner rock singers who yells everything out to create “rasp”. Jung Dongha doesn’t have to sacrifice his vocal health to add a well controlled amount of rasp to his vocal performances and he’s also a tenor with a connected head voice, beautifully transitioned into and adding even more to his arsenal of vocal guns. He’s got control of his volume, his ability to transition through a song with power, to create desperation, longing and lastly ending with decisiveness, never losing the power in his voice. Definitely one of Korea’s finest tenors.

Rinne: He is like the second coming of Jesus. Those acapella parts are real killers, and he played with his vocal in a mocking way (don’t hold your breath, idols). This type of performance, rich in colors and stylish deliveries, is very re-playable. It’s legal to rape that replay button here.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Exciting news: we are getting a musical!

End of the year surprise!!! Dongha will be participating in Musical TURANDOT, as one of main characters.
I didn't even know that such musical existed. I only knew of the opera by Puccini.  The musical apparently has been shown on Asian stages for a while. I am hoping for really good music. Additionally, Ali will have the role of princess Turandot. The two of them hopefully will have a great duet !
I just can't wait! It will be so much fun to see the videos in December, and listen to the two of them singing.

                                                                          ☻ ☻ ☻
Below is the posted today schedule of all the actors. I marked the days that Jung Dong Ha is cast. There will be only 4 days of him performing. However, on December 12 there are 2 shows and on that day Dongha will be with Ali. Oh, how I envy people who will be in the theater that day.