Thursday, November 30, 2017

TBT#19 - Immortal Song2 March2015 - Rainwater

Somebody once said that Jung Dong Ha must be a "rainman". He has several songs on his list that talk about rain. There is "Rain", and "Early Rain", and now it's "Rainwater".

I really like this performance. But I actually have a critical comment about it. This performance shows how NOT to win Immortal Song.  Dong Ha comes on stage to sing a gut wrenching, intensely desperate song of sadness and longing. But before he begins, he makes a silly joke about his raincoat, and asks if he looks good. If you joke lightly like this, and then make tragic faces while singing, it doesn't come across as genuine. The emotions look fake to the audience, hence the people don't vote for you. That is my comment of the video.
                                                                                              * * *
I really love how Dong Ha sings the song though, with over the top screaming, and everything else.
I love it all.
I love the guitarist, too.
Only, I hate this raincoat.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

More Poe


Thursday, November 23, 2017

TBT#18 - November 2014 BEGIN concert

It's Thanksgiving today. So, here is Dong Ha giving thanks to his fans. What a cornball 😇 


Monday, November 20, 2017

Musical "Edgar Allan Poe" started November 17, 2017

                                                        The show will run through February 4th, 2018.

 Schedule of Jung Dong Ha appearances in the show for the rest of the year is below.  
Next one is November 22nd. I hope he will have time to be on stage a few times in 2018, before the baby comes.

Dong Ha was cast in the opening day of the show. Rumor has it, he was very nervous because he
wanted to be best he could, and had been a little sick during the rehearsals. The first show is now behind him. A few videos and audios appeared on the Internet. In the videos he looks happy (maybe relieved?😅 ). The audio of some songs indicates that he had some difficulty with a song or two, while some other songs he sang really well.

Below, images cut from the curtain call video on youtube.

Here is the write-up from a Korean online news, translated (awkwardly) by Goodle Translate. The specific actors are not mentioned, just the general impression of the first show:
Edgar Allan Poe (producer: Park Yeong-seok), a musical dealing with the life of a genius writer, has begun with great applause from the audience on November 17th.
The musical "Edgar Allan Poe" presented a fresh shock to the audience in the flood of the concert at the end of the year performance. The drama is a fiction musical with the imagination of historical facts, based on the unfortunate life of a genius writer Edgar Allan Poe who had a great impact on the history of English literature in the nineteenth century.
The performance created a gloomy ambience through the symbolic stage and dreamy lighting, and the addictive music of Eric Wolfson, the representative of British progressive rock, impressed.
In addition, the perfect breathing of the actors who showed their presence in the dramas has added to the immersion of the audience. Audiences watched the drama in curiosity and curiosity about the unfolding of drama like Edgar Allan Poe's mystery novel. After the show, the audience cheered and cheered."

Monday, November 13, 2017

I Am Calling You - Nov. 11, 2017


Sunday, November 12, 2017


                                                                                Yes, baby, finally!

At his "The Artist" concert on November 11th, Dong Ha revealed to his audience that he will have a baby soon! He said the baby will come in February 2018, and they know now it is a little boy! It's not official announcement, but he was so nice to let his fans know. Some fans apparently said that  the fact Dong Ha with Voisper sang "Baby On An Island" back in July, was foretelling, since he must have already known then. So maybe even it was his subtle way of revealing his good news.                                                                        

                                                                "Baby On An Island" performance:
                                                                                          * * *
My reaction to these news, was a surprise (because I have already given up), and also happy excitement. The thing is, that Jung Dong Ha got married almost 4 years ago, in January 2014. From the very beginning, even before his marriage, he mentioned  wanting to have a child. At that time, in January 2014 he was on a TV variety program "Hello Counselor". The host said to Dong Ha: "So you are getting married next week. Will you say some message to your wife-to-be?" Dong Ha looked straight into the camera with his sweet smile and said something like: "When this show is broadcast, we will be on our honey-moon. So let's be a nice couple, and let's make a baby".
Whaaaat? I was so shocked, and at the same amused,  by Dong Ha being so straightforward.
Well maybe he said "let's HAVE a baby", but still, I never expect him to be so blunt about it.
Probably the message was much more docile in Korean, than translated into English.                     😊
And then he again talked about his desire to become a father,  2 yrs later on IS2, and a few times at radio interviews. 
But I was skeptical. I waited for baby news, but from time to time I had a thought that his talk was a smoke screen. To be honest I had thoughts occasionally that he might "swing the other way" as  Americans say. After all,  nobody ever saw his wife, he is so secretive about her. No wedding pictures ever popped up, how's that possible? Even if it was a private wedding, someone would sneak out ONE pic. So, was there really a wedding? And what's that talk about wanting to have a baby, but there is none, year after year? He 's well over 35 yrs old, and his  supposed wife is the same age - what are they waiting for?

But, here is the baby at last. Who knows what lengths the couple had to go through, to conceive?  
I can breathe with relief, since I really didn't want him to be gay. I am looking forward to the February 2018 announcement of the birth of Dong Ha's son.There will be probably some celebrations! 
I expect next year, 2018, he will not be as active professionally, because he will focus  on spending time with his kid. Awww, he will be such a good daddy, with his gentle personality, and loving heart.
He will probably work hard till the end of this year, and in January 2018. Then he will take a well deserved break.
                                                                                        * * *

I was thinking  that I will take a break  from  this blog. I have been doing it, somewhat irregularly,for over 3 yrs now.  Why am I doing it for so long? What is a woman my age doing, following the career, and writing about a Korean singer? True, it's a nice way of relaxing for me, just like any other hobby for other people. 
But perhaps I should take this baby announcement as a milestone, or rather as a final chapter of Dong Ha + myself saga. He is continuously growing - that I know. I already am certain he has made a great carer as an entertainer. I know he has a proper family. I had seen him live at a concert in the US, I had traveled to Korea to see him in a musical, I saw him in person, said a few words to him, got his autograph, and was able to hold his hand. I won't be able to travel to Korea again. He will most likely not come to USA for a while. 
I have listened to hundreds of his performances, and was moved by most of them. I know what to expect. My interest might have faded a little (just a tiny bit!) - there is nothing new to say about Jung Dong Ha from my point of view. He is a great artist. The end.

I wouldn't abandon this blog. No, I still want to play with it, it's fun. I think I would just stop it at the end of 2017, and afterwards I will maybe go back and do maintenance. Correct English mistakes, because I know I make them, check all pictures and videos - make sure they are there - they sometimes disappear for no reason. Maybe I would add some stuff.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Guess who?

Who is this cutie-pie!?  💜😊 

Just when I was deciding to take a break from following  Jung Dong Ha day to day activities, these pictures showed up on the Internet a couple of days ago. It's a nice surprise.  I couldn't just leave them without saving. I seriously love this gypsy/bohemian style .

I don't know what was the occasion he was styled like this  - this is a big change from his usual casual/sportsy style. But I am so pleased he is bold enough to try different way of being dressed.  Just like he has a lot of courage to try new things in his performances - various music genres, various voice range - he is also quite bold to show up in public, or being photographed  dressed differently.
(that photoshoot where he was wearing a flowery suit for"bnt" magazine comes to mind).

Why did I want to take a break from being Jung Dong Ha fan? Hmmm. Perhaps because he's been doing so many various appearances at special concerts, radio stations, some TV interviews - that I wasn't able to follow everything. He's been very active promoting his No. 3 mini album  LIFE. I don't seem to know yet much about the album, except for 2 songs. One is the title song which he performs every time, and that song is not very appealing to me. The second song Happy, is nice, but I didn't get a chance yet to listen to other ones.
Another reason for limiting my activities as fan, is a very strong sense of physical distance . The more time passes, the more far away - far, far away - outside the real world - he seems to be. It's difficult to explain. Maybe I should  leave it all behind? These were my thoughts, until these cute pictures popped up! I guess I can't just leave.

Me, liking these pictures and the way he looks in this style, must be not a typical fan reaction. The other fans must have disliked the images, because the pictures appeared only briefly, and quickly disappeared, without being re-posted like others of his new pics. Nobody even commented on them, ha, ha!