Saturday, February 28, 2015

It's Fortunate...

In the beginning, I was very enchanted by another Korean singer, Hong Kwang Ho. He is a fantastic, emotional performer, and also charming and adorable. However, I wasn't able to find nearly as much "material" about him. I think he does have a lot of fans, but they are not "crazy" enough to enthusiastically and passionately jump on every opportunity to share every little bit of everything about him, with the world, like JDH fans do.  ^_^

I found so many video clips of JDH, almost exactly a year ago, starting in Jan. Feb. 2014. I want to give big thanks to JDH dedicated fans, who compulsively have been recording and posting online his every little appearance. Thanks to you , DEAR OTHER FANS OF JUNG DONG HA, I became a fan as well. ^_^

Now, that my fascination/infatuation/obsession with him has cooled considerably (settled to much more manageable levels, haha!), I find it easier to write about him in a light manner. 

I have many things that I want to write still, since Feb.2014. I feel I am falling behind, because time is  moving forward, but I am still dwelling in his past performances.

It's fortunate though, that Dong Ha has been mostly inactive through January and February this year. It gives me time to catch up, I hope.  In the meantime before I do, I want to share his more recent performances, which I find particularly irresistible.

FIRST: the song from New Year Special of Immortal Song2, which was broadcasted January 3, 2015 on Korean TV. It's a very hopeful song, and it's all Dong Ha. Just him, 100%.

The Sun Will Shine Again


SECOND: OST (original sound track) from a TV historic drama "Kings Face", which was shown at the end of 2014, and the song was released Dec.10th, 2014. Dong Ha recorded
quite many OSTs for various Korean dramas, and I heard many, but I wasn't particularly enchanted by any of them. But this one has a very nice flow to it, and I feel very moved whenever I listen, even not knowing the exact words. All I know, it's a song about not wanting to say goodbye to a lover. I love the piano background, flowing like a stream. 
Most of all I love JDH's voice.


THIRD: This time I will be able to embed the video made by a fan during a concert last December. It was a big concert, under a name Jung Dong Ha - Musical Story, Dec 28, 2014. 
The concert was kind of a recap of all major songs DH did in the past several years, which included  songs from his first solo album "BEGIN", from his Immortal Song 2 appearances, and from musicals he starred. One of the musicals was "Notre Dame De Paris " which he participated in 2013, and his role was The Poet, who is narrating the story to the audience.
His major song there was "Les Temps Des Cathedrales", but during the Dec 2014 concert he included  song "The  Door of Paris". What I love about this performance is that he uses a different voice range than usual, to reflect the gypsy style of the song. He is almost singing it a-capella, with only a guitar. Here we go:

There is a magic moment at the end; he finishes, and the audience is silent, as if waiting for more. He smiles,  and whispers to the microphone "It's over" . Everybody laughs. 
FOURTH:  From the same concert, a duet. I like it because it's a very cute song from "Jack The Ripper" musical. Dong Ha is being cute on stage acting as if he is in the play. Trying to convince the girl to come with him. And, at the end he even kisses her hand which is the first time ever I saw him do it.                                       


FIFTH: From his first solo album "Begin", a great fun song "Falling, faling". For many fans it is a favorite song on this CD. Dong Ha himself never said he liked this song, but he performed it a few times during promotion of the album, last Fall 2014.

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