Thursday, February 5, 2015

Trying to catch up. Quick reminscence about the year 2014.

It's already 2015! And it's already even February 2015!
I'm very disappointed with myself. I had so many ideas about various topics that I was going to cover, regarding Jung Dong Ha. I had endless ideas almost daily. So what happened, why wasn't I continuing?
It was one silly thing that kept me stalling for so many months. My plan was,  to always illustrate my posts with videos of Dongha singing.  From You Tube of course. But it turned out that the really good videos, from his TV performances on Immortal Songs2, and other appearances, have been blocked by KBS. I actually didn't even want to embed them into my blogs,  but I was hoping to be able to have link with previews. This would make nice illustrations.  It can be done on Facebook, or in e-mail - if you link to a video on YouTube, the link shows a small image and title, and a few words about the video.
But nooooooooo. This couldn't be done on Blogger.  All that can be done, is a one-liner link.
Which of course looks boring. Plain, one line link does not  "promise" anything exciting, like preview does.
This minor obstacle distressed me so much that my energy and enthusiasm about filling this blog on regular basis, almost completely evaporated. Every time I thought about it, it sent me into a depressive mood (well I'm exaggerating a little bit). I had wanted to create something, but I couldn't, waaaaah, waaah, waaaah!
Now that the New Year 2015 started, I decided snap out of it, and just do what is possible.
Jung Dongha (I decided to spell his first name as one word), has taken the whole January 2015 OFF, for some mysterious reason. His only January activity has been his radio show, on EBS, entitled "Music is Like a Book".

Otherwise, there were no public singing appearances, except  TV broadcast of performances pre-recorded  in December 2014. There was an interview somewhere, where he said he would take January off, to recover from a small surgery, and that he would be back singing in February.

The whole Year 2014 was very successful for Dongha, one good thing after another. Of course, he worked very hard, it was evident. I will do a separate blog to make a summary of  his 2014.
But I was a little shocked when as the New Year 2015 started, he said some strange things on the New Year's Special of "Immortal Song2", which was broadcast on January 3rd 2015 on KBS-TV.

 Then I asked Fatma, what she thought about it.  She explained he might have meant the Sewol tragedy, where almost 300 kids died in a horrific way, in a drowned ferry to Jeju Island. I think she was right. And then I also think Dongha said the 2014 was tough for him, because of the fact he started solo for the first time, with new agency, and had to really work hard to assert his position as a "new" artist, separated from the band Boohwal. The separation might have not been very amicable, who knows. There might have been other things, but  I will not dwell on this. Even though at first, I thought he was talking about something extremely personal, now I am convinced that he would not ever put his personal life out in the public TV show.
However, some "little" news came to light during that New Year's Special. Very important news! Out of the blue, the host introduced Dongha as a singer whose wife is very much taken by someone's  little boy, and from now on Dongha wants to be a father of a son. The talk about Dongha hopefully becoming a father in the near future (in 2015), was repeated several times, and there was even an exchange between the host and Dongha, whether he wanted a son or a daughter.



Aha!!! Based on this, we can safely assume, Dongha's wife is pregnant, and there will be  little Dongha coming in 2015. It's going to be a very special year for him and his family to welcome a new baby! Dancing bananas!  ^_^

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