Thursday, February 19, 2015

Obsession, because of confession

I found this audio clip on You Tube. I have been very surprised listening to it, because the year of the post  is 2010, and I find it hard to believe that Dong Ha was singing like this, already then. Already in 2010, such deep, rich low voice?  From all other recordings, whether live in concerts, or in the studio, or on TV performances early on, I concluded that he started using his low range only around 2012.
I became obsessed with this song, listening over and over. And every time the tone of his voice brought me to tears. Also the song itself, the melody, suggested that it was a prayer.

I inquired with a couple of my friends (fans of JDH), and it turns out this song is really a confession of love.
It is frequently performed at weddings by male singers. In the song, a man is describing how much he loves the woman, and how he is grateful for everything to her, he is even grateful he can breathe the same air as her. It was interesting to find out about it, but the contents of the song is not as important to me, as Jung Dong Ha's voice.
I wish I could describe the ways his voice moves me. I am not able, I'm not a poet. So I will just repeat, that it has become my obsession. Song was recorded live during one of DH's visits at a radio studio in 2010. And I only discovered it last December 4th 2014!

100107 부활 정동하 다행이다 (Live) 
I wish the video created by a fan could be embedded, but it can't.
As a consolation, here are a few images snipped from the video, showing Jung Dong Ha of 2010.
Here is young looking, 30 yr old Dong Ha, 5 years ago. At that time I had no idea that this wonderful singer even existed.

And because today is the first day of the LUNAR YEAR - Happy New Year dear Dong Ha. Wish you all the happiness and success in 2015.

POST SCRIPTUM: A couple of days after I posted this blog, my friend in Tunisia (!), who is a big fan of Dong Ha sent me a live performance of the song.  This took place Aug 1st, 2010, at an annual Fan Meeting, celebrating the 5th Anniversary of DongHa's debut in entertainment business.
It's a real treasure for me:

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