Sunday, February 8, 2015

Sold Out!

Dongha is having a good beginning of 2015!  After a hiatus in January and February, a small concert has been scheduled to take place March 14, and March 15, 2015 , at Songang University in Seoul.  Small,  intimate venue of 800 seats.  Tickets went on sale February 4th, and the agency Evermore Music informed that the concert was sold out in 10 minutes!
Below, is Google Translate of the Korean text:

"보컬리스트 정동하의 소극장 콘서트 티켓 예매가 10분만에 매진됐다.
2월 4일 정동하의 소속사 에버모어뮤직측은 "오는 3월 14일, 15일 양일간 서강대 메리홀에서 이루어지는 정동하의 '교감,조금 더 가까이' 티켓 예매가 4일 오후 4시부터 인터파크에서 진행됐다. 예매 개시 10분만에 800석, 전석 모두 매진됐다"고 밝혔다.

"Playhouse Concert Ticket vocalist Chung Dong-ha has sold out in 10 minutes. 
February 4 Evermore Music agency's Chung Dong-ha said, "on March 14, 15 days Anniversity of Chung Dong-ha made from Sogang University Mary Hall, sympathetic, a little bit closer," Ticket was four days at 4 pm at Interpark progress. Booking 800 seats at the start of 10 minutes, all seats were sold out, "he said."

And here is Dongha's reaction to this news, while working at his radio show "Music is like a book" in EBS studio:

 Cute sweater

And here is a picture of him performing sometime in the Fall 2014, while promoting his first solo album "Begin". Just because. Obviously hard work is paying off. Besides I like this picture very much:
This picture showed up online, I think  last November, to announce a concert, during particularly cold weather. Some fan put a caption under it:
"Dong Ha Says: Please, be weary of the cold!"

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