Monday, February 29, 2016

MEMORIES: Striptease of 2015!

It was a "striptease" Jung Dong Ha style, LOL. Since we are having an extra day this year (leap year), it should be dedicated to something light an enjoyable. So, during the Tour of 2015, JDH took off his shirt on stage, after having complained about the concert hall being hot. He hesitated a few times. But he was greatly encouraged by wild Korean fans, who apparently yelled "take it off!!!" The composite video gives the picture of how that "incident" unfolded. Quite funny.

And that was during the very first concert of the tour, so when the videos and pictures had been posted online, there was and excitement going on in the fandom.  Fans were posting they were hoping for MORE striptease in the upcoming concerts. Alas, he never did that again. That was the only time. However, because of that hot concert hall in Busan, on May 23, 2015, we got a video of Dong Ha singing "The Sun Will Shine Again"  while being "undressed". Very unique video.

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