Tuesday, February 9, 2016

2016 - will it be THE YEAR OF SWEATERS?

As the Lunar New Year started now, I keep pondering about what to expect in these coming months.. The BIG question is - will Dong Ha wear sweaters???
Personally, I hope so!
In this post, I am confessing my liking for men wearing sweaters! Yes, I love when men wear sweaters.
Men in sweaters look cuddly, and sweet, and safe, and strong, and youthful. My big, life long grievance is that both my husband and my son dislike sweaters. I used to buy them for my husband in our early marriage days, and then I realized, he wasn't wearing them. Then I tried to convince my son to wear some sweaters, and there was definite resistance - very strong in his teenage years, and gentle resistance when he became an adult. My understanding was, that he thought that wearing a sweater equaled being a nerd. Of course he didn't want to be a nerd.
When my son's girlfriend gave him a couple of sweaters as a gift, I was so thrilled, that I almost sent him to marry her immediately. Well, the sweaters are still in his closet.

When I decided, in full consciousness, to actively follow Jung Dong Ha and his professional activities, which was in May 2014, after I had spent a couple of months or more just viewing his random past videos, and reading about him, I first encountered this red sweater. It was his most recent photo shoot at the time, and he even started a Facebook with these pictures. The FB page was later neglected, but it was OK.
He was wearing this red sweater while performing on KBS . I saw the video of him singing "Met You By Chance", which gave me an idea to have a blog. I found a FB of his agency Evermore Music, EVERMORE MUSIC,  which provided me with many news. There was also FB JDH Fan page, 정동하 Fanpage, which I was glad to find.
Since the red sweater appearance, I started being on the look out for sweaters. And I saw quite many of them, both in the remaining part of 2014, as well as in 2015.  In the  Fall of 2014, right after his first solo album  was released, he did a lot of promotions - meeting fans, signings, various performances on TV and radio, etc. His sweaters were of various styles, from very quirky to quite common type.

 And the best in 2014 were a couple of very long sweaters. He was wearing one for his CD signing, and the other, I think, he wore in Japan? Anyway, they were my favorite.

The year 2015 was more of the year of funky jackets, and various long coats. But there were sweaters as well. Dongha continued to run his  daily EBS radio show which he started in the Fall of 2014. He was recorded wearing some sweaters while in the studio. Although the view of his body was mostly obstructed by monitors, microphones, and water bottles, but nevertheless we could see some of them were quite stylish.

Year 2015 brought us also  Jung Dong Ha -TV movie presenter. This is a job that he continues to this day, since they are just weekly (or even bi-weekly), Saturday morning appearances, where he briefly introduces a movie to the TV viewers. Each of the movie has some special song or background music in it. This is where collection of very nice sweaters was appearing, which I was delighted with. I think, every time somebody posted the screen cap from that TV program, my only comment was: "New sweater! (heart)". I finally stopped commenting on this. 

Throughout the Summer 2015 Dongha was having a solo concert tour, that ended in October, all the while appearing in many places to perform single songs, or just a few songs. He was visible on the radio and TV.
There were a few delightful sweaters during those live performances. Sometimes he would have the same style sweater in 2 different colors, like the one that looked like it was ripped by a gang of crazy cats. 
There was a black version, and a white version.

 Or the jtbc blue sweater
  which had also a red version.

The very long sweater from 2014 showed up at one of the concerts: 
And some other interesting and memorable styles, here and there:

Finally, around December 2015, there was a photo shoot for Dongha's Christmas and end of the year concerts, with the fluffy white sweater, and a "tough guy" black sweater.  Aaaawww.

My hopes are high already in the beginning of this year, because so far Dongha continues to show his fondness for sweaters!  If it's not him, then it must be his stylist, but it doesn't matter to me, if I can enjoy my singing idol looking cozy and warm. So far so good. Here is to more wonderful sweaters!


Here's the strange thing. Whenever I see a picture or video of  Jung Dong Ha wearing a sweater, I want to give him a hug. I love it so much. But, at the same time, I really love it when he wears funky jackets, because he looks really good in them. However, I do not feel the need to hug him. I simply look at him, and admire.
But sweaters - get me every time.

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