Tuesday, February 23, 2016

One success after another

A couple of days after the very successful debut in Seoul as Prince Kalaf  in Turandot The Musical, Dong Ha had two wonderful public, very much appreciated, performances. He must have been very happy with these successes, because they involved performing songs by his two most favorite singers/songwriters.

Dong Ha have spoken very often, and quite emotionally about those two. They are both named KIM, by their last name, they are both deceased, and they both died in a tragic way, around of age of 30. They both are treated with highest reverence by the Koreans, who appreciate these guys talents (also, there is something about Koreans that they seem to dwell on death a lot).  I have often mixed the two of them, couldn't remember which song was by whom, so I will put them here in my blog, so that I can always go back, and remind myself about them.
Kim Hyun Sik

Kim Hyun Sik –basically died of overdrinking. The truth is, he was an alcoholic. WIKIPEDIA: “ he was one of the most popular singers in Korea, in the 1980s, with his unique vocal style that often  involved shouting. He died of liver disease on November 1, 1990, at the age of 32”.  He left a son behind.

Jung Dong Ha's  legendary performance on Immortal Soong2 in the past, has been Kim Hyun Sik's "Like Rain, Like Music". The song, together with video clips of the late singer, was later incorporated into Dong Ha's live concerts on stage. I have seen it in 2014, and it was a beautiful tribute. I could sense, it was truly heartfelt.
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Immortal Song 2 logo
February 20, 2016 - Immortal Song 2 show, broadcasted on this day (recorded in front of live audience about a month earlier), was dedicated to Kim Hyun Sik. OMG, Dong Ha won another trophy! He won!!! The audience chose him as the best on that day! That was so unexpected, especially that he won already a month before. I didn't have high expectations, because  he sang  "My Love By My Side", which he had performed before in concerts. The other fans , however, were highly excited, anticipating that Dong ha would change the song. And he did!!! Oh, my goodness, when I listened to it, I new it must become another legendary performance by Jung Dong Ha.

When I heard that initial scream of his, I was almost knocked out. I lost a heartbeat for a second, and stopped breathing. It stunned me so much, and shook me to the core. That was probably the intended effect. He has never done it before, it's a totally new "trick". Dong Ha changed the very beginning of the song, and the very end of it, leaving the middle the way he usually sings, but with more emotion. His performance is so spot on, considering the sad fate of Kim Hyun Sik, and considering his singing style.
Below is the Youtube link to the official KBS video, that is blocked from embedding. It's worth checking to see the comments, and people's reactions.

IS2-Kim Hyun Sik Special-My Love By My Side

This picture reminds me of actor Song Joong Ki somehow.
Jung Dong Ha on Immortal Song stage, KBS - February 20,  2016

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On the same day, that  Dong Ha was on the KBS-TV with his spectacular winning performance, he participated  in a very special, live event. It's an annual concert dedicated to Kim Kwang Seok.
Every year, around his death anniversary, there is a commemorative show prepared, with many young singers singing his songs, as a way to do a tribute to him, and to celebrate his talent. He is really a beloved artist of  Korea. 

Kim Kwang Seok
Kim Kwang Seok - He was a tragic person. It seems, he suffered from depression all his life.  He committed suicide by hanging on January 6, 1996 at age 31. He did not leave any children. So this year is the 20th anniversary of his death. At some point, some people questioned his death, and suspected a murder, but it had never been proved. He is described as rock/folk singer, but it seems to me that most of his songs are either melancholic ballads, or some of them are a little joyful. Jung Dong Ha performed the song " About The Age of  Thirty"  where the singer reflects on his age, and experiences.

I found an interesting quote, perhaps it was by Kwang Seok himself:
  "Hey, do you know what is the best side dish for soju?
That is… Kim Kwang Seok’s song. His songs are the best side dish for soju."
I wonder if this is why Jung Dong Ha started his performance sitting by a bottle of soju. 

                                                                    최고다 - 정동하  !!! - 화이팅 !!!

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