Tuesday, February 28, 2017

He's a winner even when he lost

 {EXPLANATION: This post was first written  and was intended to be published in May 2016. I was procrastinating. I had it in the drafts, and I had thought it would keep it's May 2016 date, but as soon as I started editing lately, it automatically switched  to the current date.Ugh.}

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So. I am quite disappointed with the way things turned out on the recent episode of Immortal Song 2 (episode 245).  Some kind of weird injustice happened. What was the audience thinking, when they gave Jung Dong Ha the LAST place ??!!?? It's unbelievable to me. A travesty really.

It's true, that I'm speaking from the point of view of devoted/enthusiastic/crazy JDH fan, and also from the point of view of someone who likes the particular style of the song he performed.

I was totally pleased, when I only first heard that Dong Ha would be performing a jazzy song. When this day finally came, and I listened to it, and saw the video, I loved it! Not that I would like Dong Ha to always sing in this style, but it was something new to hear him perform  this  kind of  bossanova/smooth jazz/sleepy elevator  song.
I can understand that Korean audience is not very fond of jazz - that's what was explained to me. I can understand that Dongha did not win this time. But he got the least number of votes of all 7 singers! Seriously?
I enjoyed listening to the video multiple times for a few days on You Tube, and I had firmly believed this was one of the most memorable performances of his on that competition.  
Then one evening I decided to view the video clip with my streaming device, on the large screen TV. And, wow, it hit me hard. The song itself is more or less telling a story of a man who who is in deep regret after a break-up. He blames himself for missing a chance for a true love.
Link: Immortal Song 2 YouTube, April2, 2016 "Swamp"

Once I saw it on a large TV screen, I was like struck by lightning.

My face was like this :
I was thinking, "what is going on?" Is that him, that sexy man?"  I just couldn't  take my eyes off of him, looking at that performance. He let himself go completely. He does that often, though not always. But in this video it's so enchanting! I find the video of him singing this song addictive - I especially like to watch the second half, when he is standing by the microphone. 
What is he doing with his body? His whole body is singing! He is swaying, and trembling, doing some weird jumps, and everything! And at the end, he is just smiling to himself. His own singing made him happy. 
I was so under the spell, so mesmerized and so flustered by the impact that video had on me, that the next morning, during a chat with another fan, I expressed myself a little too recklessly, lol. 

The exchange was very excited between  me and the other fan, an here is what I said:
Me:  Yes, I was going to say too, he was jumping...Yes, passionate...
He was able to express so much with this performance. 
Hopefully the TV viewers could see that clearly.
 Maybe it's different for the audience. (comment on the fact that Dong Ha received the LOWEST number of points on that day from the audience in the studio)
And the veins on his neck! At the end. Awesome!
I will say something, just about this particular performance . He is very mesmerizing when he performs, because there is something unusual about him, some sort of magnetism. I guess it's called charisma. Charisma on stage - he has it always. But specifically in this video, he is simply sexy as hell.
I really do not like to use this expression, but nothing else come to my mind.
I do not have a habit of describing beautiful, or attractive people as sexy. But hey, why deny it, when it's there?

After this dialogue I felt embarrassed, and apologized to my  facebook friend. That girl is way younger, she could be my daughter, and she knows it that I am an old (ish) lady.  I chastised myself for not being able to control what I say. But she said this was nothing offensive, and also referred me to the small video, which showed how other singers in the waiting room backstage reacted to his performance. Wow, singer Hong Ji Min, could not hold back how she felt.                                                     

*OMG! I just watched the video clip with English subtitled posted by 이한미 on FB.

 *You were so right, the comments in the waiting room were exactly the same as what I said  yesterday! And look at Hong Ji Min, wow, she saw the exact same thing. 

*I saw everything Hong Ji Min was talking about.

* It feels so STRANGE, that people on two different sides of the Earth Hemisphere would have the same impression, and comment in the same way.

*I had thought I went overboard. I feel better now. 

*This was precious! My reaction to dh performance was unusual, because I'm normally tame and composed. 
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After the Immortal Song 2 Ep. 245 aired on TV, One Hallyu Blog described the performance like this:  
"Veteran rock singer Jung Dong Ha covers Swamp by Jo Kwan Woo, a ballad released in 1994. Dong Ha sits on a chair while his guitarist plays a chilling tune. Dong Ha makes a suave start by using a sultry tone. Like a possessed man, he feels the music while in complete control of his vocals. In the chorus, he continues to play with dynamics, which compels you to keep on listening for more. After a short pause, he does a few powerful adlibs that leaves Sandeul in amazement. He then quickens the pace and stands up to show off his rock roots. That is, belting high notes and transitioning into head voice like a walk in a park. He goes for broke on his last sustained screechy high note to finish the performance."

           They sure are right.  He is "like a possessed man" sometimes on stage

Friday, February 24, 2017

Jung Dong Ha is now in the USA !

Ah, the concert that I cannot attend is already tomorrow!
Jung Dong Ha was captured yesterday in the Incheon Airport, heading to LA.

Dong Ha is giving a concert tomorrow at 6 pm, in Agua Caliente Resort and Spa, in the city of Rancho Mirage, California.

Street in the Rancho Mirage town

This Agua Caliente appears to be a very cool, and luxurious resort. Situated in a California desert, with mountains around.

I hope Dong Ha has opportunity to relax and enjoy. This concert appears to be a part of some business trip, I think. I hope he is paid well, and that some other arrangements are made for the near future (East Coast visits).
I hear, that more than 10 Korean fans also traveled to California, to attend the concert, and cheer for him. Those Korean fans are so crazy dedicated, and faithful. ^_^ I am almost certain that after the concert, some secret videos will show up. Wheee, I can't wait.
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Another pleasant news is, that at the LA airport, there were fans waiting for him, and greeted him with flowers and gifts. I'm so happy to hear this. Once you love him, you love him. It can only stop if he drastically changes his personality, and becomes an arrogant jerk.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Throw Back Thursday! 2013

He was having fun with a folk song!!!  What an energy! This was on Immortal Song 2 TV program in 2013.
By the time I saw this video for the first time around mid 2014, I had already started paying attention to him on you tube, because of dozens of videos I discovered, mostly from IS2 and some from live concerts. Somehow  I  created an image of him in my mind, of a young singer with completely awesome voice, but very serious and solemn, and specializing in epic ballads. Turned out I was quite a bit wrong.  Suddenly I discovered  he had  many different sides. Suddenly I saw his adorable youthfulness, as well as his humorous side. First, through the somewhat parody-like "Companion", and very soon after that,  this one:  "Kwengjina Chingchinane".
Discovery of Jung Dong Ha's playful side thrilled me very much.  "Well,  he is completely different than I thought, and I like it!" - that was my conclusion. And I stopped hesitating whether I should become his fan. "Of course, I should!" Who else can thrill me as much, and who else is able to deliver all kinds of  emotions through his singing. Nobody that I know of.
The video below, is just a small example how very energetic on stage he can be, and how his enthusiasm is so very contagious. He does it so well - invites the audience to have fun together with him, and for a moment forget about the everyday troubles.
I really love the use of traditional Korean instruments  in this song.

(Note to myself: do the throw-back Thursdays on regular basis. It should be easier to post than specific subject blogs. Maybe subject blogging is too ambitious for me, resulting in big gaps in posts. I don't lack ideas, but it's always difficult for me  to write what I want in one sitting. Then I keep my unfinished posts in drafts folder for too long, and they become stale).

Friday, February 3, 2017

Throw back to 2015 - Drunken Truth

I have had so much on my mind, regarding Jung Dong Ha; I have been thinking so many different things about him, and his performances, that I've been paralyzed from writing anything on this blog. I couldn't decide which subject to actually pick.
So, I will just do this. I'm posting his performance  at a special concert called "7080" ( as in "music from 70-ties and 80-ties"), that he did on July 4th 2015. I just came across of it today, after a long time.

The song's name is "Drunken Truth", and the first time I heard it was when Dong Ha sang part of it at the JTBC singers competition in March of that year.. I just loved the rich low voice he used at that time. Also the song itself  sounded to me like some great ballad. But that competition was not about singing ability, but about being able to remember the lyrics of beloved songs, played randomly at the studio. Dong Ha did quite well, remembering the lyrics, but also he showed his exceptionally great vocals.

I was thrilled when later he chose to actually sing the entire song in that special "7080"concert.

I was thrilled again today, when I suddenly re-discovered this video on you tube. My heart melted, and my soul jumped of excitement. Ah, the magic, and strange charm of Jung Dong Ha. It's all in the voice. But also his looks are quite appealing here. I like the longish hair. I can't help but be mesmerized by his stage presence, his stance, the entire figure, and his movements while on stage.
Below is mp4 video.
Sometimes the mp4 doesn't work, so I also embedded  the same video from you tube.

Today, I discovered what this song is actually about.  It's a confession of love, and the man who confesses is able to do that because he drank some alcohol - he was never able to say what he wanted, when he had been sober.
Translated lyrics go like this:
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You’re right, I may be drunk 
This may be a mistake.                                                
When morning comes, I may act like I don’t remember 
 And act uncomfortable around you. 
 But tonight there is something that I absolutely have to say. 
 I apologize for my current state, 
 But please don’t think that I am just saying this because I am drunk. 
Whenever I am in front of you I prepare myself to say this
But I always say the opposite thing, turn around and regret it, 
But now I will declare to you 
That I have loved you from the start. 
I love you so much 

Even if my sloppy declaration seems corny or unbelievable,
It is not something I am just saying. 
I’ll probably never do something like this again 
But as the night becomes light 
I will hold you in my arms once again, and tell you 
That I love you 

Why are you just smiling? Do you hear this as a joke? 
Why are you not saying a word, but looking at me as you would a child? 
Whenever I am in front of you I prepare myself to say this 
But I always say the opposite thing, turn around and regret it, 
But now I will declare to you 
That I have loved you from the start. 
I love you so much 

Even if my sloppy declaration seems corny or unbelievable 
This isn’t something I say to just anyone 
I’m not that kind of man. 
I feel as awkward as you do 
I can’t even look you in the eye. 
I am sorry that I keep on saying the same things I was saying earlier 
But tonight I’ll tell you everything. 
I love you so much

                         Even if my sloppy declaration seems corny or unbelievable
                         It is not something I am just saying 
                         I’ll probably never do something like this again 
                         But as the night becomes light 
                         I will hold you in my arms once again
                        And tell you that I love you 
                         I love you