Monday, February 29, 2016

MEMORIES: Striptease of 2015!

It was a "striptease" Jung Dong Ha style, LOL. Since we are having an extra day this year (leap year), it should be dedicated to something light an enjoyable. So, during the Tour of 2015, JDH took off his shirt on stage, after having complained about the concert hall being hot. He hesitated a few times. But he was greatly encouraged by wild Korean fans, who apparently yelled "take it off!!!" The composite video gives the picture of how that "incident" unfolded. Quite funny.

And that was during the very first concert of the tour, so when the videos and pictures had been posted online, there was and excitement going on in the fandom.  Fans were posting they were hoping for MORE striptease in the upcoming concerts. Alas, he never did that again. That was the only time. However, because of that hot concert hall in Busan, on May 23, 2015, we got a video of Dong Ha singing "The Sun Will Shine Again"  while being "undressed". Very unique video.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

One success after another

A couple of days after the very successful debut in Seoul as Prince Kalaf  in Turandot The Musical, Dong Ha had two wonderful public, very much appreciated, performances. He must have been very happy with these successes, because they involved performing songs by his two most favorite singers/songwriters.

Dong Ha have spoken very often, and quite emotionally about those two. They are both named KIM, by their last name, they are both deceased, and they both died in a tragic way, around of age of 30. They both are treated with highest reverence by the Koreans, who appreciate these guys talents (also, there is something about Koreans that they seem to dwell on death a lot).  I have often mixed the two of them, couldn't remember which song was by whom, so I will put them here in my blog, so that I can always go back, and remind myself about them.
Kim Hyun Sik

Kim Hyun Sik –basically died of overdrinking. The truth is, he was an alcoholic. WIKIPEDIA: “ he was one of the most popular singers in Korea, in the 1980s, with his unique vocal style that often  involved shouting. He died of liver disease on November 1, 1990, at the age of 32”.  He left a son behind.

Jung Dong Ha's  legendary performance on Immortal Soong2 in the past, has been Kim Hyun Sik's "Like Rain, Like Music". The song, together with video clips of the late singer, was later incorporated into Dong Ha's live concerts on stage. I have seen it in 2014, and it was a beautiful tribute. I could sense, it was truly heartfelt.
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Immortal Song 2 logo
February 20, 2016 - Immortal Song 2 show, broadcasted on this day (recorded in front of live audience about a month earlier), was dedicated to Kim Hyun Sik. OMG, Dong Ha won another trophy! He won!!! The audience chose him as the best on that day! That was so unexpected, especially that he won already a month before. I didn't have high expectations, because  he sang  "My Love By My Side", which he had performed before in concerts. The other fans , however, were highly excited, anticipating that Dong ha would change the song. And he did!!! Oh, my goodness, when I listened to it, I new it must become another legendary performance by Jung Dong Ha.

When I heard that initial scream of his, I was almost knocked out. I lost a heartbeat for a second, and stopped breathing. It stunned me so much, and shook me to the core. That was probably the intended effect. He has never done it before, it's a totally new "trick". Dong Ha changed the very beginning of the song, and the very end of it, leaving the middle the way he usually sings, but with more emotion. His performance is so spot on, considering the sad fate of Kim Hyun Sik, and considering his singing style.
Below is the Youtube link to the official KBS video, that is blocked from embedding. It's worth checking to see the comments, and people's reactions.

IS2-Kim Hyun Sik Special-My Love By My Side

This picture reminds me of actor Song Joong Ki somehow.
Jung Dong Ha on Immortal Song stage, KBS - February 20,  2016

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On the same day, that  Dong Ha was on the KBS-TV with his spectacular winning performance, he participated  in a very special, live event. It's an annual concert dedicated to Kim Kwang Seok.
Every year, around his death anniversary, there is a commemorative show prepared, with many young singers singing his songs, as a way to do a tribute to him, and to celebrate his talent. He is really a beloved artist of  Korea. 

Kim Kwang Seok
Kim Kwang Seok - He was a tragic person. It seems, he suffered from depression all his life.  He committed suicide by hanging on January 6, 1996 at age 31. He did not leave any children. So this year is the 20th anniversary of his death. At some point, some people questioned his death, and suspected a murder, but it had never been proved. He is described as rock/folk singer, but it seems to me that most of his songs are either melancholic ballads, or some of them are a little joyful. Jung Dong Ha performed the song " About The Age of  Thirty"  where the singer reflects on his age, and experiences.

I found an interesting quote, perhaps it was by Kwang Seok himself:
  "Hey, do you know what is the best side dish for soju?
That is… Kim Kwang Seok’s song. His songs are the best side dish for soju."
I wonder if this is why Jung Dong Ha started his performance sitting by a bottle of soju. 

                                                                    최고다 - 정동하  !!! - 화이팅 !!!

Monday, February 22, 2016

The reviews are good

I am told, that reviews have been very good after the first 2 shows of TURANDOT in Seoul, with Dong Ha as heroic Prince Khalaf,  on Feb. 17, and Feb 19th, 2016. The reviewers said good words about his acting, and especially about his singing skills. Compared to Daegu show, certain things have been changed, like the costumes and hairdos of the supporting characters. Some things were added, like a duet of Prince Khalaf and Turandot, which made me quite happy. From the video clips, I could tell that the orchestra is playing in a different way, than the Daegu orchestra. The sound of the Seoul orchestra is more sharp - I wonder if  it is because different instruments are in the forefront? The effect is louder, bolder music with a touch of sharpness. Maybe more dramatic.It's just my personal taste - but I liked the sound of Daegu orchestra more, because it was more suppressed, and more mellow. It was more suitable for the "underwater kingdom", where the story takes place.

This duet is very good. It seems that Turandot is already falling for the prince, but they are still fighting against each other. They will overcome their difficulty. Prince Khalaf  is very strong and decisive, trying to convince her about something, probably about her being wrong to be so icy cold. He is forceful, but not brutal. He is much stronger than Turandot, and he will be the leader in their relationship. She will follow, out of love.
That's what my understanding of this duet is.                                                                                                                  @@@
There are many pictures after the show, at curtain call, and also during press interviews.
Here is one comment from a fan:
"it's funny how jdh transforms from being majestic to being a cutie after the show ends"


Thursday, February 18, 2016

New Round of TURANDOT-THE MUSICAL in Seoul

Started yesterday, February 17th. It will go on till March 13th. The new schedule indicates that Dong Ha will be in 12 shows as  prince Khalaf.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Singing in English

One oddity in k-pop is, that they incorporate English words, or even whole expressions in English into their songs, that are otherwise in Korean. Usually it works pretty well, such inserts are very cleverly and smoothly fitted in with the song flow, but sometimes its awkward. Yet Korean pop artists are very "dedicated " to including these English "ornaments" in their songs, as if  the songs would be less appealing without. I used to think it was weird, and funny, and a bit annoying, then I got used to it. Who cares about this one minor flaw, when generally their pop songs have great melodies, wonderful beat, fantastic and original instrumentation?
The inserted English words or phrases are mostly very basic simple easy things, so there is not much space for error in pronunciation. Unless, it's something like Dong Ha sang at one time - "love lain" (it was supposed to be "love rain").

But singing an entire song in English is a different thing. Jung Dong Ha has been attempting to sing in English since quite a long time ago. I have seen and heard his Youtube performances from early on, when he was with Boohwal.
These days he sings in English quite frequently, especially if he is doing a cover of a well known American or British hit. I don't think he does this because he hopes to enter western markets. He is popular enough throughout South east Asia, in countries like Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Japan; even Vietnam. He has also quite a lot of fans in Middle East countries, where Immortal Song 2 program is shown. So I think, he just picks some Western songs based on the music, and simply learns the lyrics.

I am such a language zealot, so I have payed a lot of attention to his singing in English.
Is it bad, or is it good, or is it just OK? Well, my judgement is, that it varies a lot, from song to song.

But what gives me the right to judge somebody's English proficiency, when English is not even my first language? I live in the United Sates, but Poland is my country of origin. My spoken English is far from very good, but I strive to be always correct. I am definitely not very successful, because people notice my accent immediately. Yet, I think, even though I am not able to speak with ideal accent, I have the ability to hear all the imperfections, when listening to non-native English speakers.The university where I work is full of foreigners from all over the world. I can pick up all the errors, and in my mind I always repeat what is being said, thinking of how it should have been said correctly.  It may be a form of OCD on my part.

I have established one thing: Jung Dong Ha definitely knows what he is singing. He understands the lyrics, because his phrasing is very good.  A few examples of him tackling the English songs, are below.

The good...
The video below is actually very unusual, and very unique, because of a scenery. It's not a concert hall, and it's not a TV performance in Korea. It appears to be some kind of night club, here in the USA. I almost want to say it may be a gay club, but let's not speculate.  Perhaps  it is LA, or another California location, or perhaps it's New York, or  Washington. Dong Ha was trying to earn some money? Anyway, clearly, he is very much appreciated by the small crowd in the club. This is a very good performance, both vocally, and as far as language is concerned. I give it a 9. I'm feeling generous.

The performance below, which is a duet from "Phantom Of the Opera", is very good, because it is clear that Dong Ha practiced English pronunciation for it. Somebody must have been teaching him that in English it is very important to work your mouth, open them wide with vowels, move your lips; do not swallow the endings. Good job!

It was a huge surprise for me that Jung Dong Ha chose to sing this Barry Manilow song . It was the encore of his very successful Summer 2015 tour, and he promised the fans he would prepare something different and special for his last 2 shows, which were in October. And so he did. He sang the goodbye to the tour, which made some fans cry. Here, his pronunciation is overall very good, except two words. You don't have to be perfect, but you need to be aware that some words, when  mis-pronunced change meaning. "Same" and "sam" is not the same. Also, it's too bad that he sings "oh how I "hat" to see October go".  Hate! is the word! It's very important to open your mouth wide. This reminds me of the time when I tried to teach my Chinese colleague the difference between  "shit" and "sheet".

"Midnight Blue" - he sings it so often, and I really like it. I have no criticism about the English. It is as good as it can get. Overall, I just realized, that he does very well in English with slow songs. He just remembers to be proper.
But he also does well in the faster "I Was born to Love You".

The bad...
Uptown funk, really? The song lyrics are written in slang, I can't even understand the original version, never mind a Korean singing it. True, it has been a big hit of Summer 2015, but I don't know.
...and the CUTE! 
This is a March 2010 video. I don't know what exactly is going on here, but it seems that he is singing to two different fans on stage, and declares his love to both of them. He liked some fun already then. Why do some people say he has no sense of humor? This is so cute, I want to keep it forever on this blog. Even though I didn't know about him then.

Another version of Midnight Blue, but I post it anyway. I like his entry on stage, and he looks happy, smiling, and totally kissing up to the fans! I just almost can't take it, how cute he is when he is trying to be cute. He moves in a cute way, and looks cute, maybe a little gay.

During the tour 2015, JDH attempted to incorporate more contemporary songs to his play list. He did sing some Bruno Mars, and Maroon Five, With various results. But this one is cute. I won't comment on English, it's just not always possible to understand due to all the crazy screams.

More...                                                                 ****
The below rendition of  "Superstar", I decided to keep it here, although I couldn't decide where it belonged. I guess it's on it's own. The English is OK, not bad. Dong Ha is doing a lot of vocal gymnastics here. Either testing, or practicing his vocal skills. Or, he just wanted to show off  for the fans. Very nice, I would say. But I'm not a fan of the song itself.
BONUS! Dong Ha takes on Sinatra! Cool, a little jazzy. One of the last performances of 2015.
I was quite happy he sang it, even though Sinatra wasn't in my generation. I just appreciate so much in Dong Ha  that he is fearless, and tireless with continuously trying new things, and experimenting with different styles. He never stops.


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

2016 - will it be THE YEAR OF SWEATERS?

As the Lunar New Year started now, I keep pondering about what to expect in these coming months.. The BIG question is - will Dong Ha wear sweaters???
Personally, I hope so!
In this post, I am confessing my liking for men wearing sweaters! Yes, I love when men wear sweaters.
Men in sweaters look cuddly, and sweet, and safe, and strong, and youthful. My big, life long grievance is that both my husband and my son dislike sweaters. I used to buy them for my husband in our early marriage days, and then I realized, he wasn't wearing them. Then I tried to convince my son to wear some sweaters, and there was definite resistance - very strong in his teenage years, and gentle resistance when he became an adult. My understanding was, that he thought that wearing a sweater equaled being a nerd. Of course he didn't want to be a nerd.
When my son's girlfriend gave him a couple of sweaters as a gift, I was so thrilled, that I almost sent him to marry her immediately. Well, the sweaters are still in his closet.

When I decided, in full consciousness, to actively follow Jung Dong Ha and his professional activities, which was in May 2014, after I had spent a couple of months or more just viewing his random past videos, and reading about him, I first encountered this red sweater. It was his most recent photo shoot at the time, and he even started a Facebook with these pictures. The FB page was later neglected, but it was OK.
He was wearing this red sweater while performing on KBS . I saw the video of him singing "Met You By Chance", which gave me an idea to have a blog. I found a FB of his agency Evermore Music, EVERMORE MUSIC,  which provided me with many news. There was also FB JDH Fan page, 정동하 Fanpage, which I was glad to find.
Since the red sweater appearance, I started being on the look out for sweaters. And I saw quite many of them, both in the remaining part of 2014, as well as in 2015.  In the  Fall of 2014, right after his first solo album  was released, he did a lot of promotions - meeting fans, signings, various performances on TV and radio, etc. His sweaters were of various styles, from very quirky to quite common type.

 And the best in 2014 were a couple of very long sweaters. He was wearing one for his CD signing, and the other, I think, he wore in Japan? Anyway, they were my favorite.

The year 2015 was more of the year of funky jackets, and various long coats. But there were sweaters as well. Dongha continued to run his  daily EBS radio show which he started in the Fall of 2014. He was recorded wearing some sweaters while in the studio. Although the view of his body was mostly obstructed by monitors, microphones, and water bottles, but nevertheless we could see some of them were quite stylish.

Year 2015 brought us also  Jung Dong Ha -TV movie presenter. This is a job that he continues to this day, since they are just weekly (or even bi-weekly), Saturday morning appearances, where he briefly introduces a movie to the TV viewers. Each of the movie has some special song or background music in it. This is where collection of very nice sweaters was appearing, which I was delighted with. I think, every time somebody posted the screen cap from that TV program, my only comment was: "New sweater! (heart)". I finally stopped commenting on this. 

Throughout the Summer 2015 Dongha was having a solo concert tour, that ended in October, all the while appearing in many places to perform single songs, or just a few songs. He was visible on the radio and TV.
There were a few delightful sweaters during those live performances. Sometimes he would have the same style sweater in 2 different colors, like the one that looked like it was ripped by a gang of crazy cats. 
There was a black version, and a white version.

 Or the jtbc blue sweater
  which had also a red version.

The very long sweater from 2014 showed up at one of the concerts: 
And some other interesting and memorable styles, here and there:

Finally, around December 2015, there was a photo shoot for Dongha's Christmas and end of the year concerts, with the fluffy white sweater, and a "tough guy" black sweater.  Aaaawww.

My hopes are high already in the beginning of this year, because so far Dongha continues to show his fondness for sweaters!  If it's not him, then it must be his stylist, but it doesn't matter to me, if I can enjoy my singing idol looking cozy and warm. So far so good. Here is to more wonderful sweaters!


Here's the strange thing. Whenever I see a picture or video of  Jung Dong Ha wearing a sweater, I want to give him a hug. I love it so much. But, at the same time, I really love it when he wears funky jackets, because he looks really good in them. However, I do not feel the need to hug him. I simply look at him, and admire.
But sweaters - get me every time.